April 25, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Loket 0-100 vernieuwd van start in Hattem

Counter 0-100 renewed starts in Hatim

Counter 0-100 renewed starts in Hatim © RTV Hatem

Hatem – Hatem municipality has a 0-100 counter. On Tuesday, the team of people working together on this kicked off in a festive way. Aldermen Carla Broekhuis and Martijn Hospers attended this start.

The goal of Loket 0-100 is to have an integrated cooperation around the customer, based on the principle of 1 family plan manager 1. This means that customers who need help can turn to one place.

Until recently, the 0-100 team consisted of municipal advisors. This has now been expanded with jobs from local chain partners such as GGD North, East Gelderland, Vérian, Youth Work Hattem, Versatile in Care and MEE Veluwe. Together they form the entrance to, among other things, social support and youth care.

Availability guaranteed

The current counter space has been adjusted 0-100 (front desk). The space is getting bigger and there are flexible workplaces. This makes informal consultations easier and there is more contact between domains and local chain partners. This renewed town hall front office also ensures that Hattemers are accessible.

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