September 7, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

KIOSK gold rush at Kortrijk Graanmarkt

KIOSK gold rush at Kortrijk Graanmarkt

Wever & Ducré, the Kortrijk lighting manufacturer, started the autumn period with a golden touch. At the Designregio Kortrijk booth, they present their MIRRO lamp collection in collaboration with Cobras in-house architects.

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Wever & Ducré, headquartered in Kortrijk, is a well known name in the lighting world. The brand has been part of the Austrian multinational XAL since 2011, but its activities are centered in Kortrijk, currently in two locations. In a booth at the Graanmarkt in Kortrijk, they display their gold MIRRO collection. Unlimited Space The MIRRO product line is designed by 13 & 9 Design from Austria. The design agency always puts people first and wants to create a connection between the product and the user. Therefore MIRRO consists of a reflective surface that creates a relationship between the user, the product and the light. The bright, round lamp floods any room with warm, inviting light. The set includes wall and ceiling fixtures, pendant, table and floor fixtures. The KIOSK concept was developed by Cobras Interior Architects from Heule. The Cobras, with their founder Jelle Vandecasteele, are known for their rock ‘n’ roll style and are therefore a perfect fit for Wever & Ducré. Cobras primarily focuses on a balanced architecture for work and leisure. On the one hand, they create workplaces that respect the company, colleagues and the individual, and on the other hand they are known for their redevelopment projects. With KIOSK, Cobras, Wever & Ducré wanted to create an infinite space. Everywhere you look, you feel the effect of reflection that makes the space seem unlimited and creates a dynamic relationship with passersby. Want to win your Mirro? Take a picture of KIOSK, share it with #weverducremirro and you could be one of the 5 winners.

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