February 16, 2025

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LIVESTREAM BJK Cup: Belgium loses to Slovakia, but is double ointment on the wound?  |  Billie Jean King Cup

LIVESTREAM BJK Cup: Belgium loses to Slovakia, but is double ointment on the wound? | Billie Jean King Cup

Victoria Kosmova (146)InitiativeTeresa Mihalikova Initiative
Kirsten Flickins (241)Elise Mertens

The Belgian women were unable to win their opening match of the Billie Jean King Cup, the former Federation Cup. Slovakia was victorious after winning the singles over Marina Zaniewska and Isalen Bonaventura. The doubles now determine whether Belgium loses 1-2 or 0-3. Watch it live here.

position in group b
M W Fifth Match WV
1. Australia 1 1 0 2-1
2. Slovakia 1 0 1 1-2
3. Belgium 0 0 0 0-0

The winners from the four groups advance to the semi-finals.

  1. 4 pm 54. The second match played by the Slovaks turned out to be the exception that proved the rule. The Belgians keep steaming: 1-4. & nbsp; .
  2. 4 p.m. 46. Flickens and Mertens don’t mind and they play an excellent serve game. The Slovaks are still struggling with the hard sending of the Belgians. & nbsp; .
  3. 4 pm 44. The first game of the Slovaks. Mihalikova and Kuzmova managed to catch up with the game after all. They didn’t give up their first serve match in the second set and went back to 1-1 that way. .
  4. 4 pm 37. The first group of Belgians. Flipkens and Mertens played a clear first set. He earned three of his three break points, but made four “non-compulsive fouls” and hit more winners than opponents. 0-6 is a fair representation of the power ratios at the moment. & nbsp; .
  5. 4pm 33. We can still get to the semi-finals, but then we have to win almost everything. Sabine Applemans.
  6. 16 hours 32. The Belgians continue to outperform their opponents and lead 0-5. & nbsp; .
  7. 4 p.m. 27. Our compatriots continue: 0-3. Mihalikova and Kuzmova will have to turn things around a bit to beat the Belgian duo. & nbsp; .
  8. 4 pm 20. Good start, half finished. Kirsten Flickins and Elise Mertens started their doubles matches against Teresa Mihalikova and Victoria Kuzmova. The first match was won smoothly. & nbsp; .
  9. 15:43. Schmidlova wins the match. A great victory for Shmidlova, who did not let himself be arrested twice. She did not give up the lead in the third group. Zanevska and Schmiedlova let us enjoy a great match. & nbsp; .
  10. 15:37. Zaniewska has her serve, but now she has to repeat the first set feat: turning the 5-2 delay into a victory. It’s already back to 5-3. & nbsp; .
  11. 3 p.m. 36. Do or die for Zanevska. Every match is now vital for Zaniewska as she faces a 5-2 deficit. She is now serving to stay in the game. & nbsp; .
  12. 15:28 This is one of the best matches I have seen in this match from Schmiedlova. Sporza commentator Inge van Mensel.
  13. 15 hours 24. Shmidlova squeezes and breaks again. Our citizen faces a cumulative problem for the third time. & nbsp; .
  14. 3 p.m. 19. Re-break. Schmiedlova immediately re-emerges and also takes on her serving game. It turned out to be a tough customer and jumped above Zanevska: 2-1. & nbsp; .
  15. 15 09. Sigh, but show Shmidlova that you are not done with it yet. Sabine Applemans.
  16. 15h 09. Zanevska does not give up. Zanevska fights for every point and this immediately gives her a break. She can start the third set feeling good and progress. & nbsp; .
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