Sacha de Bakker poses for a photo with a number of locals on a nearby green plot. This lot will be sold to the highest bidder. Neighbors fear new tall buildings that are still green. † © Joris Heregoods
A group of neighbors in Linkeroever in Antwerp have protested against the sale of a plot of green space in their residential area. De Vlaamse Waterweg owns the land and sells it from three million euros to the highest bidder. Meanwhile, local residents have collected more than six hundred signatures because they are afraid to build on a plot of greenery.
Rebecca van Remortieri
Sacha de Backer worries about his neighborhood. And he is not alone. He has already collected with the neighborhood committee more than six hundred signatures. This petition should stop the sale of the plot of land between Jan van Brabantlaan and Willem van Haechtlaan.
The letter about the sale ended up only in Willem van Heichtelan residents’ mailboxes. † © gva
“We learned about a month ago through a letter that the piece of green space behind our gardens is being sold. This part is owned by Vlaamse Waterweg. They sell it to the highest bidder. The price starts at three million euros and then you know there is a good chance it will end up in the hands of a developer. We have until March 22 to file an objection, so we want to do it with as many neighbors as possible,” says Sasha.
new stadium
The letter on sale ended up only in the mailboxes of the residents of Willem van Heichtelan, who thus opens her garden to a piece of greenery. But many neighbors live here who use this part as a hangout in the neighborhood. It’s not the Krugerplein here, but it’s still a nice neighbourhood, much needed place. The city even built a new stadium here last year. It provides some breathing space in an already crowded neighborhood and continues to grow.”
Last year, the city erected a new stadium in the open space. † © Joris Heregoods
According to Sasha, a plot of land in the area was recently sold as land for construction. This relates to a plot of land just over one hectare. “Now we are trying to get as many parties as possible behind us in order to keep a green part of this area nearby. The neighborhood and the city already know our concerns. We would prefer the city to buy the plot and keep it as an open green space. We want the city in this,” Sasha said. file.
Urban Development House Speaker Annick De Ridder (N-VA) is aware of the neighborhood’s concerns and says he wants to respond quickly to the issue.
© Joris Heregoods
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