February 13, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Nightlife asks for ‘generally reopening’ in open letter: ‘We can no longer accept the failure of strategy’

Nightlife asks for ‘generally reopening’ in open letter: ‘We can no longer accept the failure of strategy’

They were the last to reopen and the first to be re-locked when the fourth wave broke out. Since the beginning of this epidemic, the nightlife and nightlife culture has known eight weeks of activity. The signatories to the open letter understand that measures are needed. “Unfortunately, the solidarity that we have as a sector since day one is still going in one direction. In the squad of 11 million we had to provide not only the goalkeeper, but also the scoring striker.”

For example, letter writers say they have done their homework and will continue to do so, but there are limits. “We can no longer accept the failure of the zero-risk strategy, because all experts now agree that there is no such thing as zero-risk.”

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For this reason, the letter’s authors call for a general reopening on January 29, 2022. “For people who, according to experts and science, pose little risk: those who have been vaccinated and who have recovered from Covid-19. This second generation strategy allows us to strike a balance between celebration live life to the fullest and protect the weak as much as possible.”

The full open letter can be found below.

Ladies and gentlemen politicians,

Now that the holidays are approaching and values ​​such as solidarity, warmth and friendship are additional themes, we, as specialists in party and night culture, would like to ask you to consider the consequences of decisions made during the Advisory Committee of November 26, 2021. We urge you to make different choices in 2022.

Since March 13, 2020, solidarity with the vulnerable in our community and the wonderful healthcare sector has dominated our (nightly) life and passion. Although the measures were previously understood and accepted, this is no longer the case today.

Nightlife and night culture in the broadest sense of the word has been silent for over 20 months, except for 8 weeks in October and November 2021. With each tightening of measures we are the first to be targeted and with each relaxation we are the last to come. The solidarity that we’ve taken so seriously as a sector since day one, unfortunately, is still going one way. In the team of 11 million, we had to provide not only the goalkeeper, but also the scored striker. Inherent in our sector, there was little effort for us and we implemented every measure – no matter how impractical – even if it meant additional costs and effort. That’s why we urge you to finally show solidarity with us and allow our work and our passion to thrive once again. For these reasons:

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– Knowing that our sector is the only one that closed twice after only 8 weeks of activity in 2 years;

– that relaxing, socializing, dancing together and celebrating life are synonymous with being human and ensure better mental and physical health and therefore better immunity;

– Those small and big illegal (house) parties take place every weekend, where dozens and hundreds of people gather without any precaution;

-that we are among the best places to offer, in these dreary and anxious times, to a large part of the population for relaxation and an escape which is so indispensable as it is good for mental well-being;

– that we are an essential sector not only for young people, but also for the entire ecosystem and creative input of any modern city or municipality;

– that our whole sector has again become without any prospect and that every reserve has evaporated financially;

– that we are responsible entrepreneurs, we can no longer accept that current politics always lags behind the facts and shows little evidence of resilience and confidence in our own measures;

– That there is no study so far that shows that the high number of injuries and the number of beds in intensive care, compared to other sectors, is the lack of responsibility of our sector;

– that the overcrowding of intensive care units by Covid patients unacceptably delays the usual operations and complicates the daily work of the nursing staff;

– that the vaccination be successful in the sense that serious complications are prevented and thus overload in the intensive care unit can be avoided;

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– It has been scientifically proven that people who have recovered have a lower risk of infection and complications from the virus;

– that virologists and you politicians have always insisted on the importance of vaccination in the fight against this epidemic, while rewarding “the world of freedom”;

– that we, just like the entire population and thus also our public, have been mostly vaccinated and have taken our responsibility;

– That we cannot continue beyond the end of January and that we need more than one urgent perspective.

– To demand that more serious support measures be taken for our sector.

For all of these reasons, we are asking you today to be able to fully resume our activities from January 29, 2022 at the latest.

We are ready to take the lead and fully support your vaccination strategy by taking a strong stand and convincing our target groups of the importance of vaccination, because in our opinion it is also the only solution to return to normal and social (night) life.

We as nightlife par excellence respect the individuality or choice of everyone, yet today we no longer agree that sectors are condemned and society as a whole is limited in the long run because the vaccination strategy of experts and politics does not work 100% because a small portion of the population does not want to participate in the story. We can no longer allow our collective freedom, our work, our lives, and our passions to be hampered by that.

We can no longer accept the failure of the zero-risk strategy, because all experts now agree that there is no such thing as zero-risk. We fully opt for maximum risk management and risk mitigation along with authorizing our activities which are essential to the well-being of the residents. We choose resilience and life, not restriction and isolation.

We are convinced in this crisis that we will have to learn to live with the virus and that there is no There is more room for semi-scales and yo-yo approaches. We and the whole people.

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Read also. “In all likelihood we will get a scenario like a second wave” (+)

For all of these reasons, we want to reopen our doors by January 29, 2022 at the latest for people who, according to experts and science, pose little risk: those who have been vaccinated and who have recovered from Covid-19. This second generation strategy allows us to strike a balance between celebrating life to the fullest and protecting the most vulnerable in our society as best we can. Life is not life if it is only protected by jealousy and not celebrated. We live a real life together. We’ll do real life again in 2022.

Signed by more than 50 entrepreneurs

Brussels Nightlife Consortium and Wallonia (+35 cases)

Flemish clubs and nightlife (+25 places)

Bart Miskins – Fit Club / Millie Vanelli / MTM Group

Gerald Claes – Imposters

Ina Van den Abeele – Kokuriko

Jan Coyle – IKON Antwerp / Skyclub

Jean-Michel Terlinc – Club Wit / Millie Vanillie / MTM Group

Jens Griten – Compass Club

Joachim Marinen – Amp / Broad Spectrum / Big Vollar

Jochem Peters – Koros / Full Circle

John Noseda – Kitsch Club

Jules Gehid – Friend

Matthias Kerkhof – Kozzmozz / Nasty Mondayays

Nelson Dunk – Public Square

Noureddine Bensalam – red and blue

Patrick Waters – Millennium Hursult

Peter Lambert – Soto

Sam Chappelle – Club Fag / Lima

Steve Budds – EXO Club

Tijs Vandenbroucke – Radar Lokeren / Nasty Monday

Vincent van Trier – Carré / The Villa

Wim van der Burght – Shrimp Tempura Group

Yves Smulders – Versus / Mousse Bar / Zone 5

BRUSSELS: Bloody Louis, Brussels B Knight Federation, C12, Cactus, Chez Gennette, Fuse, Hunger, Jalousie, Jeux d’Hiver, La Cabane, Lisa Festival, Madame Mustache, Magma, Merano, Nostalgia Club, Sunday Playing Label Records Spiritu Night Club Zodiac.

Wallonia: Act 3, Alhambra Club, Barocco, DB Club, Doktor Jack, Domaine DB, Flagdel, Forum Ortho, Infinity Hall, Le Cube Barchon, Le Cube Hannut, Le Trébuchet, Lindberg, Moulin de Solières, O-Zone, Romantica, Last stop, District 51, Zoo Club