February 9, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Okra for the Constitutional Court grants residents of a nursing home a heating allowance of 100 euros: “This is discriminatory” |  energy prices

Okra for the Constitutional Court grants residents of a nursing home a heating allowance of 100 euros: “This is discriminatory” | energy prices

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According to the association, residents of residential care centers are excluded because their rooms do not have a separate individual electricity connection with a resource in their rooms. They pay the cost of increasing energy prices to the residential care center through their daily rate.

“We are also asking the Flemish government to adjust the rising energy bill for residential care residents, just as it does for all other citizens,” said Mark de Sweet, director of okra. “Everyone else gets a heating premium of €100, but residents of residential care centers don’t get that benefit. That’s discrimination.”

In the press release Okra deplores that – despite the political understanding – no concrete proposal has been received from the relevant ministers. It appears that “none of the residents of the residential care center received the premium.”

The association also says it no longer wants to “play with the more than 80,000 residents of residential care centers in Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia” just as “thousands of others are in communal housing or apartments and auxiliary services without a single electrical connection”. According to the association, the provisions are discriminatory. So okra started proceedings in the Constitutional Court.

Gumbo acknowledges that judgment will take months. The association also says it expects the government not to wait for justice to residents of residential care centers. “Residents of residential care homes should not be forgotten again in the additional measures announced last week,” it still seemed.

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