December 9, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

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Roland Duchâtelet Describes Major Bitcoin Scam: ‘Danger to Society’ |  Money

Roland Duchâtelet Describes Major Bitcoin Scam: ‘Danger to Society’ | Money

Roland Duchâtelet was on “The Appointment” to comment on Twitter poll From Billionaire Elon Musk about selling some of his Tesla shares. Duchâtelet knows Elon Musk as a good customer for his chip company, because each Tesla contains 30 to 40 Melexis chips.

“I got very angry with him (Elon Musk, editor), when he started defending bitcoin,” Duchâtelet says. “Bitcoin is a big scam right now. This is a very big risk to society.” Duchâtelet says that Musk helped the emergence of cryptocurrencies. According to Duchâtelet, Elon Musk’s defense of cryptocurrency “does not match the intellectual capabilities” of the Tesla CEO.

Also check out what money expert Pascal Pepin has to say about Bitcoin:

In the past, Elon Musk received from economists such as Nouriel Roubini employment Peter Schiff Accused of manipulating cryptocurrency prices. With his Twitter poll, according to Duchâtelet, Musk is now also affecting the value of Tesla’s stock, something that has already been agreed upon in the past. convicted by the SEC.

DOCHATELE also described Elon Musk as an intelligent businessman, who sometimes struggles with “companies” or good governance and the associated standards and values. “I don’t think he’s basically a bad guy, but he runs the whole gamut sometimes.”

Bitcoin was launched in early 2009 and was only worth a few cents at the time. At the end of 2017, the world’s most popular cryptocurrency reached a peak of nearly $20,000. But then many investors lost faith in cryptocurrencies and virtual currencies quickly declined. Bitcoin has been on the rise again since 2020. The price on Tuesday hit a new high absolutely high The value of the digital currency was more than 68 thousand euros.

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