February 12, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Rush on solar panels causes long wait times: ‘Customers sometimes have to wait up to three months’ |  Instagram news VTM

Rush on solar panels causes long wait times: ‘Customers sometimes have to wait up to three months’ | Instagram news VTM

Because of rising energy prices, Flemish people are collectively looking for alternatives. “The The demand for solar panels has tripled”, says one of the installers. According to the federation of the sector, the waiting periods are up to three months.

Are solar panels still affordable without an inverter? Here’s what Roger Vanbaris of Test-Achats says:

Since the start of the energy crisis in October last year, installers have seen the demand for solar panels and heat pumps skyrocket. This is evident from a survey conducted by our newspaper. After the first increase in the fall, a second boost came in February, when conflict broke out in Ukraine and energy prices rose dramatically.

Among the installers we spoke to, demand for solar panels increased 250 to 300 percent in less than a year. “Previously the share of solar panels represented 15 percent of our work with difficulty. Heat pumps, solar panels and home batteries make up 90 percent of our orders,” says DGS Solar of Baal in Flemish Brabant.

Dirk van Everkoren from ODE, the sectoral organization for sustainable energy in Flanders, confirms that there is a huge rush. “Now that energy bills are peaking, there is once again a growing interest in green energy via solar panels,” he says. “We hear from our installers that the order books are well filled. Customers sometimes have to wait up to three months for the installation to take place.”

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Read also: Energy crisis makes Flanders greener: ‘Demand for solar panels increased by 300%’