February 19, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

The US Stock Exchange regulator finalizes its publication obligation on climate risk

In the United States, public businesses will soon be required to provide information on the impact of climate hazards on their operations. The US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) may propose a definitive plan by the end of this month. This is what many insiders told the Reuters news agency.

Last year The Securities and Exchange Commission Announced that it was preparing a new measure on risk behavior.


The purpose of this measure is to provide investors with detailed information about the listed companies, the activities of the company and the effects of climate change on their decisions.

However, the introduction of that measure faced many delays. First, the stock market regulator said it would present a plan in October last year that has not yet been subjected to public consultation. However, Gary Jensler, the company’s president, soon decided to push that deadline to January this year.

This delay was mainly caused by questions about the purpose for which action should be taken. Above all, voices were raised to force companies to disclose their own climate risks, but Contribution of their suppliers and other associates To mark.

It was difficult to find a consensus within the regulator. Last month, however, several U.S. politicians launched a critique of the company, calling for swift action.

Investment decision

Many industry representatives have already stated that they will continue to press for a more flexible interpretation of the concept in response to the initiative. “It should make it easier and cheaper to collect and report data on emissions,” they point out.

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Moreover, according to them, Adequate guarantees are provided To provide protection against possible lawsuit for misinterpretation.

However, other parties are in favor of introducing the new rules as soon as possible. Said Todd Phillips, director of financial regulation and corporate management at the U.S. Advancement Center in Washington.

“Investors and asset managers can Only good investment results When they are provided with standardized and comparable information on corporate greenhouse gas emissions. “
