July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

18 Republicans ignore Trump's frank advice: Ukraine aid package is one step away |  outside

18 Republicans ignore Trump's frank advice: Ukraine aid package is one step away | outside

On Sunday, the US Senate took a major step toward approving an aid package worth $95.34 billion (88.4 billion euros) for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. The package includes $61 billion for Ukraine, $14 billion for Israel, and $4.83 billion for allies in the Indo-Pacific region, including Taiwan. It also provides humanitarian aid worth $9.15 billion to civilians in Gaza, the West Bank and Ukraine. The file has been stuck in Congress for months.

The Democratic-led Senate voted 67 to 27 to pass the final procedural hurdle. The final approval of foreign aid will be voted on in the coming days.

Eighteen Republicans were among those who voted for him. They therefore ignored the explicit advice given to them by Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee in November, to vote against it.

More opposition in the House of Representatives

If the bill is actually approved in the Senate, which is likely after Sunday's procedural vote, it still must be approved in the Republican-controlled House. It can count on more opposition there.

For example, many Republicans want to combine the aid package with measures that limit the flow of migrants across the U.S.-Mexico border. They also want to refrain from humanitarian aid and limit foreign aid to weapons and equipment.

The aid package could be passed more quickly if Democratic and Republican leaders in both chambers reach agreement on its contents. To date, despite numerous discussions, no such agreement has been reached.