September 21, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

A big name with a big heart: Quinn and Nuno Waters are godparents to UZ Gent Pediatric Rehabilitation Center |  Ghent

A big name with a big heart: Quinn and Nuno Waters are godparents to UZ Gent Pediatric Rehabilitation Center | Ghent

GhentUZ Gent Children’s Rehabilitation Center can boast of great work. But to put this work in the spotlight, and to make it even more interesting for kids, they can now also feature big names. Quinn Waters and his son Nonoo have officially signed on to the sponsorship and are planning a video with the kids.

“Of course we already have everything we need here to allow the children to rehabilitate,” says Dr. Ruth van der Leuven. “But we want more, to make it more fun for the kids. Instead of a ‘boring’ physical session, they can also dance. Instead of taking speech therapy, they can sing. And as a cognitive therapist they can learn choreography. We thought it would be good to record a video with the kids. Waters and Nuno are perfect for that.”


It was Nono (16 years old) who came up with the idea. He says, “The mother of one of my best friends works here. I’ve heard so many stories and have always been impressed by the courage and perseverance of these kids. I don’t think I can do that. And if we can help make it easier for them, we’d be glad to do it.” Quinn and Nonoo willingly and patiently took a picture with all the children, and they formally signed a piece of wood, promising to carry out their care as best they could.

Queen Waters and his son Nuno become godparents for UZ Gent’s Pediatric Rehabilitation Center © Wannes Nimmegeers


“This video is going to be fun,” says Quinn Waters. “I know a singer, and we also have a choreographer, but we still need the money. Because we want to make it really professional.” The children were allowed to ask questions and wanted to know from Quinn, among other things, what he used to see as his dream job, or what his favorite flavor of ice cream was. It was already known that he wanted to be a soccer player when he was a kid. It turns out that Stracciatella ice cream is his favourite, while Nono prefers chocolate and vanilla, and has no idea what he wants to become. Quinn says, “I think it’s great to be able to do this with my son. This is the first Ghent project I’m committed to. I’ve been committed to planning for Belgium for a long time, and I’m still doing it. But it’s something close, as I can also be there regularly.”

puppet show

Dr. van der Leuven says, “He’s been doing this for a while. Quinn is a very accessible guy, he put the idea for the video clip with us, and he actually came to play puppet shows for the kids. That’s not Quinn Waters,” laughs Colin (10) of Wittrain . Two years and two months later, he’s coming out of rehab for the last time today. “When he came here, he was completely paralyzed with a brain tumor,” says his mother, Pascal. “And watch it now. He worked hard, even in school. He didn’t have to double a year, he’s now got 80 percent of his school report. The rehab center was a bit like our second home. Great team working here, we always feel welcome.” And the support is here. Coleen is ready here, but if he were allowed to, he would be very happy to be involved in this video.”

We welcome donations for the video project on account number BE43 0018 8459 3701 with reference “FS / LOC / 841 – Children’s Rehabilitation Center”

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Queen Waters and his son Nuno become godparents for UZ Gent's Pediatric Rehabilitation Center

Queen Waters and his son Nuno become godparents for UZ Gent’s Pediatric Rehabilitation Center © Wannes Nimmegeers

Queen Waters and his son Nuno become godparents for UZ Gent's Pediatric Rehabilitation Center

Queen Waters and his son Nuno become godparents for UZ Gent’s Pediatric Rehabilitation Center © Wannes Nimmegeers

Colin, fully rehabilitated, and his mother Pascal

Colin, fully rehabilitated, and his mother Pascal © VDS

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