July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

About the Red Devils, the huge popularity and his future: Bilal Al-Khanous answers all the questions in extra time

About the Red Devils, the huge popularity and his future: Bilal Al-Khanous answers all the questions in extra time

Beloved by Genk fans, sought after in the transfer market, and almost an idol in Morocco. Bilal Al-Khanous also caught his attention at the extra time table. The agile midfielder easily joined every discussion and did not avoid any questions. “But the transfer? Four more games and then we'll see,” he continues to criticize our analysts.

Made in Neerpede, but after U15 Bilal Al-Khanous chose to switch to KRC Genk.

He said about it in extra time: “A beautiful step, especially since it was outside my comfort zone.” And an option that did no harm to the insignificant midfielder.

Khanous is an indispensable part of limeburger. He dictates the game and sets the tempo like a metronome. Although high numbers cannot be seen at the moment.

“I've been thinking about it for a few months,” the 19-year-old Moroccan shrugs. “Then someone said that there were players with good grades, but they didn't help much in the game. Although I think I should get better statistics with the qualities I have.”

A statement after which Wesley Sunk likes to praise the young midfielder: “I think you can become the best in the world as a No. 8. When I see guys like Modric, I think: he has it too.”

I tried to convince him to choose the Red Devils with Genk's past.

Wesley Sunk

And Sonic hasn't become a fan of khnos lately. As coach of the U19 Devils, he wondered if playing for Belgium was an option.

“I tried to convince him to choose the Red Devils with Genk's past,” says the former striker. “But he told me he chose his heart. I like that. I'd rather you be direct.”

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Also in the country of his heart, Morocco, the fans are completely obsessed with his mentality and the way he plays football.

“Sometimes it's really too much,” he laughs. “I get a lot of love from people. I like to make people happy with the photo, but sometimes it's less fun during dinner.”

Can I walk on the street in Morocco? “In some places it wasn't like that. In touristy Marrakesh there was no problem, but in Tangier it was unbelievable. I had to take pictures with fans everywhere.”

Games as a springboard to the European summit?

This summer, Al-Khanous can prepare for the Olympic Games with his country's national team.

A nice stage where he can show his skills again. Because he's sure to leave Jink, right?

“Four more games and then we'll see. A lot can still happen,” the midfielder laughed.

“But you're already learning Spanish?” Philip Goss asks. “Wabeliff? No, not yet,” the dinner guest replies in surprise.

Childhood friend Noah Siddiqui would like to see Al-Khanous leave for Bayer Leverkusen. good choice? Coach Xabi Alonso already speaks the language the young player wants to learn.

“The Bundesliga is definitely an option,” he says with a wink.
