January 24, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

America is once again crowned as the greatest military power.  But where does Belgium fall in the rankings?  |  news

America is once again crowned as the greatest military power. But where does Belgium fall in the rankings? | news

See more. Defense Minister Tedonder calls on Belgians to register as reservists

'Global Firepower' is a website that uses public data to rank countries and their military strength every year. 2024 includes 'Army Strength Ranking' America – as usual – above. The ranking takes into account factors such as size of military equipment, number of troops, military funding and geographical factors.

Russia is in second place. Notable considering the huge difficulties the Russian military is experiencing in the war with Ukraine. Russia is followed by countries like China, India and South Korea. It is United Kingdom, which ranks sixth (one place lower than 2023), is considered the best in the European class. The British spend more on defense than any other European country.

Each NATO member country is expected to spend 2 percent of its GDP on defense. Belgium was 1.1 percent in 2023. Single Luxembourg (It ranks 109th) was even worse at 0.7 percent.

Check out the full rankings Here to find out.

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