July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

“As a man, you obviously question the prevailing gender norms regarding colored clothing.”

“As a man, you obviously question the prevailing gender norms regarding colored clothing.”

Photo by Jordi Huisman

from? Sjoerd Warmerdam (36).

where? Plenary (Temporary) Hall of the House of Representatives, The Hague.

Activities? Member of Parliament for D66.

Where are we?

“In the House of Representatives, it’s a special place. I grew up with the picture of those blue chairs on it Youth NewsSo on the one hand I felt very familiar when I came here. At the same time, it is scary, because it is a luxurious space. As I sat on this blue chair, I suddenly felt the great responsibility of representing others and how honorable it was. The splendor of the House of Representatives and my unique and colorful clothing style are seen as a contradiction. I don’t wear a blue suit like all the other male politicians, but I do have my own style of dress.

in my place It is a weekly column Volkskrant magazine Where, in a beautiful location, the interviewees talk about their tastes and preferences in the field of clothing, interior decoration and design.

You designed this column yourself by Ulyana Milodyne, a fashion designer who fled Ukraine. Why?

“Ulyana dressed me in my own style. I chose to work with her because I like to do everything I can to support Ukrainian society. As Director of the Ukraine Crisis in the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, I thought it was important to develop policies in cooperation with Ukrainians. If you put the people responsible for policies and legislation in the centers Control themselves, they will get better solutions. That’s why the phrase “nothing about us without us” is the guiding value in politics. I got to know Ulyana through Ukrainian Maria Zhernovnikova, whom I appointed as a political advisor in my team. I think it’s important not to look at people like Ulyana As someone who just fled Ukraine – she is above all a very good fashion designer What would the Netherlands look like if we saw refugees as fashion designers, dentists, mothers or something else?

How would you describe your own style?

“Twisted and twisted.” Sustainability is very important to me. I try to borrow or find all my old clothes. Additionally, I think it’s important to do my best to improve my appearance. I think this is a matter of respect for the place, but also for others around me. I wear a lot of vintage clothes that I find in second hand clothing stores in Amsterdam. I really enjoy finding something from the 80s that’s a bit more affordable.’

How do people react to your clothing style?

“It raises a lot of resistance online and here in the room, as I dare to be so visibly myself in this way. Then I was told that I would not exude confidence in these colorful clothes. Whereas in the world I come from, having someone wearing a blue suit does not necessarily suggest With confidence. Then I think rather: My dear, he will run away with my money, he will cheat on me. By the way, there are many women who wear very colorful clothes, but this arouses less resistance from them than men. As a man, you obviously question the prevailing gender norms regarding In colorful clothes.

Do you feel at home in the House of Representatives?

‘naturally. It’s also a matter of claiming space. Because I am a member of the House of Representatives, and partly through the way I dress, I show that politics also exists for people like me. After I took the oath, I received a lot of letters from young gay men, birds of paradise, and other people who don’t recognize themselves in the men in blue suits. They now identify themselves more in politics, and feel more visible.

clay wall

This mud wall (artwork Soil By Jos de Potter, Mr. Dr.) I find it interesting, because a lot of people think it’s ugly, or think it doesn’t fit in such a luxurious space. I see a connection somewhere between this wall and me, because it questions the norm. That’s the norm of tradition, and I think interesting things happen outside of that.

Statue of Sjord Warmerdam by Jordi Huisman

Seward WarmerdamPhoto by Jordi Huisman


“I borrowed this coat. I wanted to wear it because of the Ukrainian flag on it. Ukraine has really stolen my heart since I was the Ukrainian crisis manager at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. I worked with many Ukrainian refugees there, and I saw what wonderful people they are. I wear the Ukrainian flag on This coat is in support of Ukraine.


‘I found this jacket on Vintage. When I saw that gold, I immediately thought it was cool. I like to bring some color into a room, and I haven’t seen any other guy in the room wearing gold yet.’

Statue of Sjord Warmerdam by Jordi Huisman

Seward WarmerdamPhoto by Jordi Huisman


“I made these shoes specifically for my swearing-in. I came across a dancer online who lost her job during the Corona crisis. Then I started making clothes under the brand Kill Them With Your Color. This is very beautiful, and I would like to support it.”

Statue of Sjord Warmerdam by Jordi Huisman

Seward WarmerdamPhoto by Jordi Huisman


“I lived in Nepal for several years, running a dance, theater and music school with my partner. I still love going there, and I have many friends there. I had this jewelery made last year by a woman who makes sustainable jewelery there.

Statue of Sjord Warmerdam by Jordi Huisman

Seward WarmerdamPhoto by Jordi Huisman


“It was a youthful indiscretion when I was 18. I went to Thailand and thought: pierce my lip. I can’t see it for myself anymore, it’s just a part of me. If people asked me if I had a piercing, I would say no. People say I’m the only MP with a piercing It’s possible, but of course I don’t know what the other MPs have in their nipples.

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