July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Four deserving East Flemings were honored by the provincial government

Four deserving East Flemings were honored by the provincial government

Every year the provincial government of East Flanders honors several residents and businesses. This always happens at the beginning of January. Four winners were honored this time because they represented the governorate well last year.

Barry Callebaut holds this honor as the world's largest chocolate producer. With several branches in East Flanders, the company provides plenty of job opportunities. Barry Callebaut received the Factory of the Future Award 2023 for his intelligent measuring process that ensures the quality of his chocolate.

The second company is Pastati from Oudenaarde. Fresh pasta is made there for restaurants and caterers. Pastati is part of the customization company Aarova. In 2023, both companies received the Gault&Millau Award for Innovative Culinary Arts.

The independent scientific research center ILVO from Miele was honored in third place. Because it has been searching for healthy and varied nutrition for 90 years.

Professor Dr. Hendrik Vos from Ghent University was also pleased with the honour. He is the fourth winner because he explains the European Union in an accessible way through his lessons and books. “It's a great honour,” Vos replied. “If you look at how the European Union works, it's much more fascinating and interesting than is sometimes thought. I even find it interesting to explain it to people.”

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