July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

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France and Spain are increasingly green on the Corona map, and the situation in Eastern Europe continues to deteriorate |  Abroad

France and Spain are increasingly green on the Corona map, and the situation in Eastern Europe continues to deteriorate | Abroad

Holiday countries France and Spain turn greener and greener on the new corona map of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). In addition to the things that are taking place in Western and Southern Europe, the situation is very bad in the North and especially in the East.

in a France The greatest change can be seen in the north: the center of the regions – Val-de-Loire, Bourgogne-Franch-Comte and Grand-Est – goes from orange to green, turning almost the entire north and west of the country into a green area. The southeast remains orange.

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in a Spain Andalusia and Murcia in the south are turning green this week. Aragon is no longer red but orange. Only the central region of Castile-La Mancha is now red.

Moreover Italy Continue to work well. In the north, green areas were added, mainly Liguria and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. In the south of Basilicata it is no longer red but orange.

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Things are not going well in Northern and Eastern Europe. north Norway found Finland Now in red. Also the Baltics EstoniaAnd Latvia employment Lithuania Red, even dark red.

Poland Less green this week. Northeast in orange and red. The same is the case for the neighboring country Czech Republic Which sees all the green areas from last week are now turning orange.

to the east of Slovakia and the west Bulgaria Dark red colors. This is also the case to complete Romania. to the east of Hungary It goes from orange to red.


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Also in the northeast of Greece Dark red spots appeared on the map. Many Greek islands go from red to orange.

Before Belgium Nothing changes. Flanders remains orange, and Brussels and Wallonia turn red again. The Grand Duchy goes across the border Luxembourg From orange to red. The same goes for HollandLimburg Province.

ECDC publishes every Thursday European corona map with color codes, based on the number of infections and the percentage of positive tests in the past 14 days. The card has four colors: green, orange, red and dark red.

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