July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

German Social Democrats outperform CDU/CSU in poll |  News

German Social Democrats outperform CDU/CSU in poll | News

The Social Democratic Party (SPD) on Tuesday surpassed the Christian Democrats/CSU bloc led by outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel in an opinion poll. It seems that the German parliamentary elections, which will be held on September 26, are increasingly turning into a dime.

In the Opportunity Institute poll for RTL/NTV, the SPD rose by two percentage points compared to last week, to 23 percent. The CDU/CSU alliance lost one percentage point, and is now at 22 percent. It is the first time in 15 years that the Social Democrats have topped a poll conducted by this institute. The Greens lose one percentage point and are now the third party with 18 percent of the vote.

The difference between the two largest parties is within a 2.5 percent margin of error. But the poll indicates how momentum has shifted toward the Social Democrats one month before the election.

According to opinion polls, Finance Minister Olaf Schulz, the SPD candidate, is also more popular than Armin Laschet, the CDU/CSU candidate. Current Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is no longer a candidate to succeed herself after sixteen years, remains the country’s most popular politician.

Throughout the campaign, Laschet struggled to persuade voters. Moreover, the 60-year-old Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia only made critical mistakes. For example, he filmed himself laughing while visiting the flood-stricken city of Irwistadt.