July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Head of the largest cryptocurrency exchange: “A new era has begun”

Head of the largest cryptocurrency exchange: “A new era has begun”

In the world of cryptocurrencies there are many different cryptocurrency exchanges. Among these trading platforms, there is one that stands out above the others, with the largest trading volume and the largest number of users.

Major cryptocurrency exchanges are seeing a sharp decline in trading activity

Major cryptocurrency exchanges are seeing a sharp decline in trading activity

100 to 200 million users

On June 8, cryptocurrency exchange Binance announced that it has 200 million registered users It arrives. Cryptocurrency news site Cointelegraph asked them for further response to this important milestone for them.

Binance Chairman Richard Ting noted, among other things, that the people behind the trading platform feel proud. They found it not possible to have such a large group of users. This achievement shows how much confidence the cryptocurrency community and the cryptocurrency industry have in the Binance ecosystem.

The number of users is According to Teng The number of users has doubled from 100 to 200 million users in just 26 months. This rapid growth seems to be attributed to the changing landscape of cryptocurrencies.

“This achievement is not just a win for Binance. It is also a sign of strong growth and maturity in the broader cryptocurrency sector. It reflects a shift from ‘early adopters’ of cryptocurrencies to the ‘early majority,’ indicating that a growing portion of the crypto population “The world is preparing themselves for cryptocurrencies and their endless possibilities.”

1 billion users as the ultimate goal

Although the trading platform is very happy with the growth, it does not mean that they will decline now. The ultimate goal is to register one billion users. They hope to achieve this by supporting initiatives that promote financial inclusion and innovation.

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In addition, there are also a number of factors outside of their control that will contribute to adding about 1 in 8 people in the world as registered users. For example, the total number of cryptocurrency users in the entire world would need to roughly double to get close to the goal.

It is also important that there is political support for the rapidly growing developments in the field of cryptocurrencies. The government’s path remains very unclear, especially in the United States. Nearly 50 million users in the country have been watching the pinball machine for policy directions for years Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other government organizations.

However, there may seem to be a bright spot on the horizon. Given the upcoming presidential elections in November of this year, a shift could occur. Presidential candidate Donald Trump appointed himself a “crypto president” upon his election.

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