July 27, 2024

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“If you could spend €25,000, what investment would you make?”  At least 1 in 4 gave this answer in our housing survey  My guide

“If you could spend €25,000, what investment would you make?” At least 1 in 4 gave this answer in our housing survey My guide

LiviusLivios construction site She recently conducted a residential survey among more than 3,800 Flemish people. One of the questions was: “If you could spend €25,000, what investment would you make?” At least a quarter of those surveyed indicated they would purchase a heat pump. Surprise or not? We asked Theis van den Brande, environmental research specialist at Daikin, Dirk van Everkoren, General Manager of ODE, and Klaas Decanier, heat pump expert at the same ODE.

The heat pump is no longer an exotic unknown

Energy efficiency and affordable housing play an increasingly important role, especially as our housing stock must be energy efficient by 2050. Sustainable measures, such as installing solar panels or installing a heat pump or heat pump boiler, are therefore smart options. The Housing Survey* shows that this awareness is growing.

We asked more than 3,800 Flemish people what investment they would make if they could spend €25,000. 1 in 4 indicate they would like to purchase a heat pump. “We are happy to hear that the heat pump is no longer an exotic unknown, but has become our top priority,” says Dirk van Everkoren of ODE, a sector organization for sustainable energy. “In just a few years, we have seen a significant shift from a niche product to a major way to make our heating and cooling needs more sustainable.”

50% of families are ready

Heat pump manufacturer Daikin has also noticed this. We saw that in the National Heating Survey 1 in 2 households are heat pump ready. This result shows that a large portion of them also want to make their formulations more sustainable at an accelerating pace and this is a good sign. Although there are still differences…”

“There are families who have the budget and have already taken the step, there are families who have the budget but are still waiting for the next step, and those who are experiencing financial difficulties. We should focus on the last two groups. “Not only by making insurance premiums more targeted, but also by providing them with better guidance,” says Theis van den Brande.

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The price is too high?

Heat pump cost It ranges between €6,000 and €22,000, depending on the type of heat pump you install. Van Evercooren finds the difficult question to be whether a heat pump is too expensive. “The investment cost of a single heat pump is lower, but the cost of use is higher and vice versa.”

“But we see that in recent studies The value of an energy efficient home increases dramatically. “Purchasing a heat pump is an investment that pays for itself in three ways: increasing the value of the home, getting comfort, and saving energy,” adds Van den Brande.

Tax transformation is necessary

In addition, according to Van Everkoren, we are still in a context where the price ratio between fossil fuels and electricity is very high. “Certainly for homes that are less insulated or homes where the distribution system is not adapted. We continue to strive for that Tax shift, so that electricity becomes cheaper“There is a lot of legislative work to be done in the coming years,” Van den Brande agrees. “2024 will definitely be a year of warmth.”

Group purchases lower prices

ODE suggests looking beyond individual households and prefers a systematic and collective approach. Klas Decanier, heat pump expert: “It is more effective to convert entire neighborhoods to heat pumps and make bulk purchases. This way you can reduce the cost price and it is more interesting from a social perspective.

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“By viewing the neighborhood as a whole, using individual heat pumps or a group system based on hydrothermal or pyroelectric energy, you can improve performance much faster. Thermal networks can also play a role in this. “The job of energy companies, municipalities and partners is to look at the bigger picture.”

Lack of budget and knowledge

Moreover, these power houses play not only an important role in the combined operation of the heat pump. They also have an important advisory function. “We get a lot of questions from people who want a heat pump, but don't know how to do it,” says Van Everkoren. “Alleviating your fears is a crucial element in getting everyone involved in the energy transition. That's why we look to energy houses and installers. They must provide correct, impartial advice, so you can make the right heating choice for your home.

“It's true, price can be a barrier, as can lack of knowledge,” adds Van den Brande. “That’s why we are fully committed to improving and expanding the knowledge of our installers. We know that energy companies are busy strengthening themselves to provide people with more targeted guidance. Energy suppliers can Also help in this matter.But you can also collect a lot of information yourself: just think about it Consult your home ID Or by specifically monitoring your usage.”

“Even if you don't have the budget to buy a heat pump right now, make sure your home is ready. If necessary, work in phases so you can continue to save in the meantime. If your condensing boiler gets rid of the problem, you should choose a solution “Consciously sustainable. From 2028, families will have to pay for the carbon dioxide they emit, and in 2040 the end story will be fossil fuels. And those dates are approaching.”

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“What investment would you make if you had €25,000 to spend?”

To this question, 25.53% of respondents answered that they would buy a heat pump. In second place comes additional insulation of the home (17.4%), followed by landscaping (14.3%), replacing glass (12.7%), and installing a photovoltaic system (11.2%). About 1 in 10 would opt for a new bathroom (9.52%) and a new kitchen (9.41%).

*Building website Livios ran an online survey from October 18 to November 15, 2023 to measure how satisfied readers are with their homes, what housing dreams they hold dear, whether they have insight into energy and regulations and what they think about building affordability Or a renovation project that involved more than 3,800 Flemish participants.

Read more on Livios.be:

Will we be installing heat pumps on our roofs from 2024? “You often see him popping up in the Netherlands.”

How often should you maintain your heat pump? how much does it cost? And can you also roll up your sleeves yourself?

“30,000 new homes are needed every year otherwise we will end up with a housing crisis.”

This article was written by our partner Livios.be, a specialist site focused on construction and renovation.