July 26, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

In the US, too, most people are in favor of nuclear power

According to the survey conducted call up Most Americans support nuclear power. Support is particularly strong for Republicans, but opposition among Democrats is also declining.

Why is this important?

After the 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan, many countries backed away from nuclear power. As a result, it was decided to shut down the existing reactors and replace them with solar and wind power. But in reality things will often turn out differently: Germany, even as it increases generation from renewable sources, must once again rely on gas and lignite-fired power plants to meet energy demand. Gas-fired power plants will also be set up in Belgium instead of nuclear power plants.

Essence: According to a March poll, 55 percent of Americans favor nuclear power.

  • 25 percent of Americans are strong supporters, and 30 percent say they favor nuclear power. 22 percent are somewhat against, and many are strongly against the energy source.
  • This is the highest percentage in favor since 2012. In particular, Republicans, men and highly educated people are more likely to favor nuclear power in the country.
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