July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Insurance companies’ phones stopped working after the peak of rainfall in the Southwest

Insurance companies’ phones stopped working after the peak of rainfall in the Southwest

Due to torrential downpours over a short period of time last weekend, especially in West Brabant and on the island of Thulin in Zealand, the phone kept ringing for agricultural insurance companies to stop. Damage reports are pouring in at both Vereinigte Hagel and Agriver. The reports come mainly from arable farmers and open field vegetable growers.

In some places in the southwestern Netherlands, 50 to 70 mm of water fell from the air within two hours on Saturday, submerging arable fields. Particularly affected are plots of land where potatoes have just been planted or onions have been planted. According to insurance companies, it is still difficult to determine the exact damage.

“We are receiving many reports of damage, but I cannot yet give specific numbers,” Jan Schröder, director of Ferenigte Hagel, said on Monday. “This is truly a tragedy for agriculture. There is still a lot to be done here and there on the ground, but this kind of heavy rain makes it difficult. In addition, crops that have only been there for a short time or that were just above are destroyed immediately.” .’

25 Reports to Agriver

According to internal service advisor Johan Westerek from Agriver, reports of damage from Saturday’s heavy rains come mainly from arable farmers from West Brabant and from the island of Thulin in Zealand. “We’ve received about 25 so far, but reports will continue to trickle in throughout the week,” he predicts.

This spring is not the first time agriculture has had to deal with heavy rains. In April, for example, snowstorms caused millions of euros in damage to fruit cultivation. In some areas, nearly 200 mm of rain fell in May. Due to large amounts of rainfall, arable farmers and open field vegetable growers lag behind in sowing and planting activities.

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This also creates busy times for agricultural insurance companies. Several planting plans in both Vereinigte Hagel and Agriver are still to be received. Staff also do not process previous assessments from damage experts. However, both insurers expect the workforce to be broad enough to eventually complete the work, although the work is now backlogged.