September 21, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Network Meeting “Netherlands View from Space”

Network Meeting “Netherlands View from Space”

Source: ESA. Composite image of Sentinel-1 data.

The Netherlands faces all kinds of social issues related to our living environment. How and where can we build? Where do we put windmills? Where are the forms of agriculture? Where do we give free space to nature and rivers?

The Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations issued this spring Vision vision of the Netherlands to establish the data. The vision forms the foundation for the ZoN – Data Fundament Program. The goal: to create a foundation of coherent data upon which we can base decisions and implementation processes in the physical environment.

One of the developments mentioned in this vision is the better use of satellite data. The quantity, quality and availability of satellite data is evolving rapidly. What valuable information does satellite data give us for these choices? What concrete solutions or services are they already offering or are they in the near future?

This is what the network meeting “The View of the Netherlands, from Space” is all about. are you interested? Book the afternoon of September 20th into your agenda for an informative, inspiring meeting, or simply to expand your network. The final program follows.

What: Meet the NSO Network and the Ministry of Interior
When: Sept. 20 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m

Subscription is free. Registration is required and can be done using the form below.

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