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Night Sky April 2023 – Celestial Events |  Comet April 2023 |  Stargazing April 2023

Night Sky April 2023 – Celestial Events | Comet April 2023 | Stargazing April 2023

Find out what’s happening in the night sky in April 2023. Here you will find predictions about seeing planets, knowing what comets and meteor showers can be seen this month and much more.


Celestial events in April 2023

Note that the data is selected for mid-widths. You can find the exact information for your location at Sky Tonightprogram.

  • April 2: the moon passes in the evening at 5 degrees of regulus (1.35 μm).
  • April 5th: Mars passes in the evening at 2° 49′ from Tigat (2.9 m).
  • April 6th: full pink moon. The Moon passes in the evening at 2°36′ of Spica (1.0m).
  • April 7th: Moon passes in the morning at 4°49′ of Spica (1.0m).
  • April 10th: the Moon passes in the morning at 1°33′ from Antares (m 1.0);
  • April 11th: Venus (m -4.1) passes in the evening at 2° 31′ of the Pleiades (m 1.2); Jupiter in solar conjunction; Mercury (0.0 m) reaches an evening elongation.
  • April 15th: Begins with morning visibility of Neptune (M 7.9).
  • April 16th: Saturn (1.0 m) passes in the morning at 3 ° 29 ‘from the Moon.
  • April 20thHybrid solar eclipse. new Moon.
  • April 21st: Mercury retrograde.
  • April 22nd: Mercury (2.4 m) passing in the morning at 3 ° 50 ‘of Uranus (58 m); The Moon passes at 4 degrees 28 minutes from the Pleiades (m1.2).
  • April 23rd: peak of the Lyriden meteor shower in April; The Moon passes in the morning at 1° 17′ from Venus (m -4.2).
  • April 24th: peak of the π-Puppid meteor shower.
  • April 25th: see mercury ends.
  • April 26th: The Moon passes in the evening at 3°36′ from Mars (1.3m) and at 2°07′ from Pollux (1.1m).
  • April 27th: see Uranus ends.
  • April 29th: The Moon passes at 3°48′ of Regulus (1.4m).
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visible planets

Northern Hemisphere, evening

Mercury (m 0.6) visible low above the horizon in the constellation of Aries for no more than an hour. At the beginning of the month, look for Venus (m -4.1) in the West in Aries. Later, the planet will move into Taurus. Mars (m 1.2) is located in Gemini. Hold your binoculars and see Uranus (m 5.8) no more than an hour low above the western horizon in Aries.

Northern Hemisphere, am

Saturn (m = 1.0) Visible in the middle and end of the month. Look for it near the horizon in the east in the constellation of Aquarius.

Southern Hemisphere, evening

See eminent Venus (m -4.1) less than an hour to the northwest. You start the month in Aries and then move into Taurus. Mars (m 1.2) in the north, in the constellation Gemini. Weakness Uranus (m 5.8) visible near the horizon in the northwest in Aries.

Southern Hemisphere, am

Find Jupiter (m -2.0) at the end of the month near the horizon in the east in the constellation of Pisces. Saturn (m 1.0) high in the east in the constellation Aquarius. Neptune (AD 7.9) in the east in the constellation Pisces.

Hybrid solar eclipse April 2023

A rare hybrid solar eclipse will occur on April 20, 2023 Such eclipses occur once a decade. A hybrid eclipse changes from annular to total and vice versa along its path. Unfortunately, the transition will only be visible at remote locations in the Indo-Pacific. At least a partial eclipse will be visible from the southern Indian Ocean, parts of Antarctica, most of Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, most of Oceania, Southeast Asia, and the western Pacific Ocean. More on the eclipse schedule in our dedicated article.

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Comets of April 2023

Comet 364P/PANSTARRS of the Jupiter family will pass within 0.12 AU of Earth on April 7. On this day, the comet will be in the constellation Vulpecula and is expected to be a The size is about 12.3 to have. The comet will be visible from both hemispheres, but observers at northern latitudes will see it in the first half of April at More comfortable height to have.

Comet 81P/Wild reached perihelion on December 15, 2022, and began to fade in early 2023. But Earth is still close to the comet, so 81P/Wild is expected. Will be brightest at magnitude 13 until May 2023. It can be seen from both hemispheres, but conditions are better in the south.

C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS) is still visible from the Southern Hemisphere. However, by April it had lost much of its brightness and was now about magnitude 9. Look for the comet in the evening sky. Use the Sky TonightThe app to discover it in the sky.

Meteor shower April 2023

In April, two meteor showers reach peak activity – the April Lyrids and π-Puppids. Their peak occurs on April 23 and 24, giving observers two consecutive nights of shooting stars. While the April Liridians produce about 18 meteors per hour, the π-Puppids are known as the variable meteor stream. Learn more about upcoming meteor showers in our article.

How do you navigate the night sky?

While navigating the night sky can be challenging, there’s a handy tool for doing just that: a mobile app Sky Tonight. Launch the app and point your device at the sky to see what you’re looking at. To find a specific celestial body, use the app’s search function. We have several Short video lessons Prepared on how to get the most out of the app.

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Something small

In April 2023, the night sky will present stargazers with planets and bright stars, two peaks of meteor showers, the rarest type of solar eclipse, and a few comets. To navigate the night sky with confidence, you can use an astronomy app Sky Tonight for download. We wish you clear skies and happy vision!