July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

The Dutch VVD does not rule out cooperating with Geert Wilders’ party |  outside

The Dutch VVD does not rule out cooperating with Geert Wilders’ party | outside

Outgoing VVD leader Mark Rutte himself set the strict condition that Wilders first withdraw his controversial statement about “fewer Moroccans” from 2014. The PVV leader was tried for this and finally sentenced in 2021 on charges of collective insult. He disagreed with his conviction and still refuses to back down from his statement.

Ruti now says he agrees with Yeselgos. “I support her line,” he stated in his press conference after the first cabinet meeting after the summer recess. “I agree and I will say it more often in the near future, but I won’t say anything about it. I am very happy with the new leader of the party and the new line she draws. I will not comment on her, because she is now running the party,” said Rutte, who did not elaborate on his role further. “Time is running out, there are new elections. I think her line is reasonable, but I won’t go into it.”

Yeshelgos confirmed on Friday that Wilders spoke of a fresh start right after the fall of the government. “Let him make his plans,” Yeselgosz now says of Wilders. “And then I think you should ask him the question: Is he sitting at the table constructively, or is he distancing himself?”

The new VVD leader may want to wait for the election results. “It’s the voter’s turn first,” Yeselgauz said. It also wants to judge the party leaders mainly based on their plans for the coming period. You find the talk about exclusion mainly “The Hague Troubles”.

Rota’s government was first with the CDA and had the support of tolerance from the PVV. That government fell just 1.5 years later in April 2012, when Wilders withdrew his support.

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