July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

The Russians appear to have already suffered heavy losses in Ukraine: “70,000 dead and between 220,000 and 280,000 wounded” |  Ukraine-Russia war

The Russians appear to have already suffered heavy losses in Ukraine: “70,000 dead and between 220,000 and 280,000 wounded” | Ukraine-Russia war

Russia has already suffered heavy losses since the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. This is what the British military intelligence services say. This will include approximately 70,000 deaths and between 220,000 and 280,000 infections.

For regular Russian forces, this number likely reached 50,000 dead and between 180,000 and 240,000 wounded. The Wagner group kills 20,000 people and injures nearly 40,000.

The Brits said this morning: “Even Russian officials may not have sufficient knowledge of the total number of casualties, due to a culture of false reporting within the army.”

120,000 dead

According to the Americans, the Russian death toll will be much higher. In mid-August, American officials spoke in the New York Times of 120,000 dead and between 170,000 and 180,000 wounded. For comparison: On the Ukrainian side, according to the same sources, there were 70,000 dead and between 100,000 and 120,000 injured.

It must be said that the Russians have many more soldiers than the Ukraine – the ratio is estimated at three to one at the front or 1,330,000 to 500,000 soldiers – and that Russia has a larger population and therefore greater resources that can be drawn upon to replenish the forces. .

Civilians were also not spared from the war. According to the latest figures from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (24 September 2023), there were also 27,449 civilian casualties in Ukraine: 9,701 killed and 17,748 injured.

The number of Russians supporting the war in Ukraine has nearly halved since February

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