July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

The tax authorities will check whether the rental income is not professional income: “Nothing will change for small landlords” |  My guide: money

The tax authorities will check whether the rental income is not professional income: “Nothing will change for small landlords” | My guide: money

Let’s take a self-employed person supplementing his meager pension of about 900 euros by renting a few apartments. So it must be very strange if he doesn’t have more rental income than his retirement income. Will FPS finance from now on assume that this is not relative and considers rental income as professional income? Does this also mean that more taxes will have to be paid from now on? Quite a few people in this situation must have choked on their coffee this morning…

“The tax authorities are targeting the owners of several homes and properties abroad,” the letter said. “This title was rather unfortunate and made a bad impression: I would have worried too,” Angelici says. “The tax authorities will check rigorously whether the rental income is in fact not professional income, but this is for people who rent out a lot of properties and also do it professionally, almost like a real estate agency. Or really offer a combination of Airbnb with the services. So an investment Too much time and money can only be considered as a profession. This is very different from a private individual who rents two or more houses and manages them with due diligence. He should not worry, nothing will change for this little landlord.”

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