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The younger you are, the lower the premium you pay: why not wait longer with funeral insurance |  My guide

The younger you are, the lower the premium you pay: why not wait longer with funeral insurance | My guide

independentFuneral insurance isn't just useful when you're older. On the contrary: the earlier you close it, the cheaper it is. independentbender.b Explains how it works and simulates the cost price.

Few people think it makes sense to get funeral insurance when you're approaching retirement. Nothing could be further from the truth, on the contrary. Young people also benefit from this insurance, which covers all costs and often also your funeral procedures. You actually close them whenever you want. The only requirement is that you must be at least 18 years old.

How much does funeral insurance cost? Here you can easily compare prices based on your age.

What is the benefit of cutting it at an early age?

Funeral insurance is TAK 21 insurance that covers the costs of your funeral later. You pay an annual insurance premium for this, which in some cases you can deduct as a cost in the context of long-term savings. Then you pay less taxes. Another more important advantage of taking it out at a younger age is that your premium is lower. You are more likely to die later in life, so the premium is higher for an older person than for a younger person. This is also clear from the following price example.

Price simulation on Independent.be
Get funeral insurance at the age of 56 or 34 years, payment period is 15 years:
• Annual premium at age 56: €369.77
• Annual premium at 34 years: 257.29 euros

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Until what age can you get this insurance?

The maximum age for full payment of your funeral insurance ranges from 75 to 80 years, depending on the insurance company. So the message is to start well on time. Finally, you need to decide how long you want to spread your payments over: from five years to more than twenty years.

The cost of a funeral depends entirely on your personal choice: A discreet, standard or unusual variant. We estimate costs here.

Read more on Independent.be:

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