February 16, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Wim Lippert: “You should have known how many people have already emailed me…

Wim Lippert: “You should have known how many people have already emailed me…

Wim Lippert:

Wim Lybaert (right) had no idea who Jan Kooijman was when the Dutch choreographer boarded his bus.
Photo: garden

At the beginning of September, Columbus will be out again and it will be difficult for driver Wim Lippert (53). In this fourth season, not only is his destination unknown, but Lieber also has no idea who to take him to a bus shelter. “There was someone I didn’t recognize twice.”

Just summarizing. In the first two series of One Columbus Wim Lippert, 53, always took his travel buddy to his or her front door. In the previous season, Lippert also knew with whom he would go on his way to an unattainable destination, but the starting point was always exactly where the previous stage ended. “Look at the place of Belgium and then calculate how far you can go in four days of driving. After two years we were in danger of ending up in the same roads and places as before. Because I am not the actor who can be surprised by what he actually saw the previous year, we decided After that he put the starting point outside,” says Wim Lippert.

This fall, things are a little different. “In every episode I catch a famous person waiting in a bus shelter. Somewhere in a beautiful and wonderful place in Belgium, France, Sweden, Italy and Switzerland, where there is also a bus shelter. Moreover, I don’t know who is going to get on my bus. It makes it even more exciting.”

After all, it is by no means certain that Lieber knows much about his new convoy. Or worse, the person probably doesn’t even know. “Happened to me twice. With Serene Ayari (comedian, editor) And with Jan Koijman (Dancer, Choreographer, Actor, Editor). At such a moment you can go both ways. Or play comics and hope it becomes clear soon who is sitting next to you, or to be honest: I don’t know you. I chose the latter. If you’re going to pretend, you’re going to explode anyway and be off to a bad start. Honesty works best and that’s how Jan Koijman let me guess who it was. Looking at Greek demigods, I thought of a Dutch mannequin and thought that was so funny that the ice broke instantly.”

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Not a great interviewer

The openness with which Lybaert treats his fellow travellers is typical of the entire programme. “I open myself up and hope to regain the same openness again. This works great, because I feel like all my fellow travelers are allowing them to look deeply into their souls. I don’t pick their secrets, that’s not my style. I’m not a great interlocutor, I’m just looking for connection and hope.” In getting to know the person next to me a little better. In the meantime, we enjoy what we see and experience.”

You can expect some adventure this year, because for the first time Wim Lippert gets himself into trouble with his faithful, forty-year-old bus whose odometer has now exceeded 960,000 km. “On a country road in the Champagne region, I took a very short turn and ended up with my rear wheel in a canal. And that’s at 35 degrees. Remember the bus has no air conditioning. In bright sunlight, this is just a greenhouse. I was so frustrated and angry at myself. Imagine : The bus to the buttons and the program is just there. Fortunately, it worked out in the end with the help of some local farmers.”

Of course they didn’t know who Wim Lippert and his bus were, but Flanders knows Columbus now. “We were recognized in the craziest of places. For example, last season I stood at the red light in Bosnia with Maaike Cafmeyer. On the other side, a car with its lights signaled, and as we were passing it stopped in the middle of the intersection. Hi Wim, with whom are you on the right track? Flemish West! And this season, a giant military truck was turned into a caravan by a Flemish couple who were standing next to us in Italy. They sold their possessions after seeing them Columbus He was on the road for two years. By the way, they’re not the only ones I’ve inspired in life On the road. You should know how many people have already emailed me that they also bought a bus like Columbus. It means something to me.”

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What Wim Lybaert will also take care of, is the day he finally puts his bus in the stable. It is imminent. Never say “no”, but in our minds it does. Normally there wouldn’t be a fifth season.” More time for your travels then? “I’ve always been a passionate traveler. With a backpack across the Far East or South America, but also a home in France and relaxing by the pool. There are still exotic destinations on my wish list, but they no longer have to be. thanks for the Columbus I learned to appreciate beauty up close. And the warmth of people you don’t really know.”

“De Columbus” runs from September 5th in one day. This season’s travelers are Charlotte Adigiri, Siren Ayari, Rick De Leeuw, Jan Koijman, Cath Luyten, Helmut Lottie and Wim Willart.