In Ranking of the ten most polluted cities in Europe, Four Italian and all located in the Po Valley. Cremona, Bavia, Presia and Vicenza They have the worst classified air quality and share this incredible record with many cities near the coal mining areas in Poland. The ranking was Published by the European Environment Agency (Aea) and takes into account the concentration of particulate matter measured between 2019 and 2020. The best reporting card for air quality goes to many Scandinavian cities – surprisingly – Salamanca, Spain.
The smoke has a map 323 European cities have been reviewed It starts with the limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO) Accordingly 10 micrograms of PM per cubic meter of air. 2.5 Permissible threshold. For its part, the EU is considering Dangerous air quality When this concentration is – for a long time – beyond Over 25 micrograms Per cubic meter. Although there has been a clear improvement in air quality in Europe over the past ten years – Aya writes in his report – the exposure to particulate matter in 2018 is clear from last year’s assessment of the region Caused approximately 417,000 premature deaths In 41 European countries.
Here, the rankings that emerge from these measurements are healthy air in 5 European cities Very poor: These are poles Novi Socks (27.31 Particle material concentration) e Jigsaw (25,15), Cremona (25,86), Vicenza (25,58) e Slavonsky Pratt, In Croatia (25.75). Also includes a list of 10 bad guys Krakw, Pyotko e Sori (Always in Poland), A lot (In Bulgaria) In addition Presia and Pavia. A Milano Aea 20,13 Concentration measured by ea Roma 12.94. The best Instead it was found in Uppsala and Stockholm (in Sweden), Tallinn Narwa and Tatu (all in Estonia), Bergen and Trondheim (Norway) and Salamanca (Spain). All Has dust values less than 5.
The concentration of toxins in the air of northern Italy weighs heavily on the report card of Italy. Last November 10 The European Court of Justice has condemned the Roman government For exceeding the air quality limits between 2008 and 2017 Systematically and consistently. Italy has been criticized for not taking adequate measures to combat air pollution.
Pollution, Smoke and the Environment: Intelligence
June 21, 2021 (Change June 21, 2021 | 17:33)
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