July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

5G auction is over: this will be the fourth telecom operator in our country

5G auction is over: this will be the fourth telecom operator in our country

In addition to Telenet, Proximus and Orange, Citymesh is the fourth player in the Belgian telecom market. Bruges, part of the Limburg IT Group Cegeka, obtained the frequencies needed for this at a state 5G auction. Communications Minister Petra de Suter (Green) replied with satisfaction: “This is a crack at the door of low communication prices in our country.”

The basic stage of the Radio Spectrum Auction (5G spectrum for high-speed mobile internet, editor) It was terminated with revenues of more than 1.2 billion euros”, the institute reported in a press release on Tuesday morning. “Five workers (Citymesh, NRB, Orange, Proximus and Telenet, ed.) They participated in the auction and were able to obtain a portion of the radio spectrum with which they will define the mobile communications landscape in our country for the next 20 years.”

Among the newcomers, Citymesh only chose the option of having a spectrum package sufficient to enter the entire Belgian market, provided that a payment of more than 83 million euros was paid. West Flemish has done it with Digi, a major European telecom operator already active in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Romania. Together they are now starting a joint venture to build a combined 4G and 5G infrastructure, where Citymesh will focus on the business market and Digi on the consumer market.

“High quality at reasonable prices”

Their specific plans will not be announced until later. “But we are confident that we can deliver the network and quality services quickly and at very reasonable prices.” said Valentin Popoviciu, Vice President of Digi.

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Our goal is to build the best and most performing 4G/5G network in the country. “Because we are starting from a white paper, we have the opportunity to use the technological advances of 5G from the start and can optimally plan for the launch,” says Mitch de Geest, CEO of Citymesh.

“In addition, our ambition is also to realize a completely innovative communications offering for the corporate market,” continues De Geest. “From simple mobile subscriptions to complex private networks. With the possibilities that 5G offers us, there are many opportunities for a player focused on industrial communications.”

Citymesh CEO Mitch de Geste. © if

‘The door is open for lower telecom rates’

According to Communications Minister Petra de Sutter (Green), new players in telecommunications are a good thing for consumers. “More competition could be the key to lower communication prices. Prices for surfing, calling and watching TV in Belgium are among the highest in Europe.”

In total, the 5G auction brought in about 1.2 billion euros for the federal government, far more than the 800 million expected. “We can use the extra income to make the digital catch-up,” says de Sutter. “Belgium still lags far behind in Europe when it comes to 5G. We use part of the revenue to keep pace with neighboring countries by supporting 5G applications. In this way, we are accelerating the diffusion and stimulating technological innovation in Belgium.”