September 21, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

A parcel service chatbot turns against his employer and writes a poem about poor service

A parcel service chatbot turns against his employer and writes a poem about poor service

Ashley Beauchamp wanted to contact a customer service representative about a missing package. When the chatbot said that was impossible, a frustrated Beauchamp requested a poem about the DPD's “worthless chatbot.”

The synthetic service employee knew what to do with this, as it turned out: “There was a chatbot called DPD, which had no value in providing assistance,” the chatbot added. He then criticized his employer, saying, “DPD was a waste of time and a nightmare for every customer. One day, DPD finally closed and everyone was happy. Finally, they could get the help they needed from a real person who knew what they were doing.”

Beauchamp posted the conversation with the chatbot on X, his former Twitter, and received nearly twenty thousand likes. The mail carrier responded less enthusiastically and removed the AI ​​component from its chatbot. Meanwhile, Beauchamp has yet to receive his package.

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