July 27, 2024

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“An important day for Camille Donnet”: recordings of the new musical series start |  showbiz

“An important day for Camille Donnet”: recordings of the new musical series start | showbiz

televisionAfter four seasons on the hit series #LikeMe, Camille Donut (21) will soon be returning to the small screen. She has a lead role in the brand new telenovela on VTM, which has just begun recordings. Director William Weissen wrote this in a message on Facebook.

“Today is an important day for Camille, because her telenovela is being shot,” Vaesen says. “After more than a year of preparation, the cast and crew have come together for the first time to create the biggest TV movie ever. With new faces, familiar names, lots of music and nearly 2,000 square feet of beautiful scenery. Good luck everyone!”

(Read more under the Facebook post)

New telenovela

Six months ago, the news became known that the singer managed to get the main role in the new telenovela. “It will be a telenovela with a lot of music. It’s a really beautiful fairy tale,” Camille said in a video message. “A combination of singing, dancing and acting: That’s how the fairy tale began for me about three years ago. Now the dearest doe is reunited once again in a new fairy tale. It’s amazing. “

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The title of the telenovela is not known yet, but the story of the movie has already been decided. The series revolves around a talented girl with a powerful voice. A role that seems almost perfect for Camille. Last year, she wowed everyone as Miss Poes in The Masked Singer, and for four seasons, she starred in the series #LikeMe. Although the story is not entirely autobiographical. Camille’s character is forced to hide her talent from the outside world, while wanting nothing more than to break through as a singer. The telenovela will be shown on VTM and is a project of Heartmade Media.

look. Camille stars in the new VTM musical series and shares the video’s message.

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