The lordosis is (among other things) the forward flexion of the lumbar spine, and lumbar vertebrae, and is commonly used to demonstrate the major adaptations of bipedalism, and bipedal walking.
With a more complete spine and excellent condition of the fossil, the new study found that lordosis a. Sediba It was actually more pronounced than any other Australopithecus which we once discovered and that the curvature of the spine was only exceeded by the curvature found in the spine of the 1.6 million-year-old Turkana boy, gay guest of honor From Kenya, and in some modern humans.
“The presence of lordosis and other features of the spine are obvious adaptations to walking on two legs, but other features, such as large, upward-directed transverse processes, suggest strong muscles on the trunk, possibly for climbing and living in a living space,” said Gabriel Russo, professor of evolutionary anthropology at Stony University. Brooke and one of the authors of the new study, “The Trees.”
Strong ascending transverse processes or transverse processes usually refer to strong pectoral muscles, such as those seen in great apes. “If it is combined with other parts of the anatomy of the torso, it is indicative of it a. Sediba “Obvious adaptations for climbing,” said Shahid Nala, a professor at the University of Johannesburg and Wits University who specializes in ribs and researcher on the new study.
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