October 23, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Biden expands three U.S. national parks …

Biden expands three U.S. national parks …

US President Joe Biden is set to reclaim the boundaries of three natural reserves. The parks were cut by former President Donald Trump. This was reported by the Reuters news agency.

This is about two parks in the state of Utah, Bears Ears, where Trump covers 85 percent of the area. Was taken, And the Grand Staircase-Escalande, which was halved by the former president.

The third wildlife sanctuary is located underwater in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of New England Canyons and Seamounts, New England. Trump reduced the size of the three parks to commercial activities such as agriculture, drilling, mining and fishing. All three reserves are national monuments in the United States.


Under U.S. law, it is difficult for presidents to unilaterally designate national monuments or change their area, protecting those sites.

Utah Governor Spencer Cox was disappointed by Biden’s decision to restore the boundaries of two parks in his state. “These decisions clearly show that the government is not prepared to cooperate and listen to those who are most affected by their decisions,” Cox said, adding that the government will consider its legal options.


Pierce Ears is home to thousands of cultural and archaeological sites and is considered sacred to Native American tribes in the region. The Grand Staircase-Escaland has many important geological sites, fossils and historical artifacts.

The White House has announced that commercial fishing for red crab and American crabs in the northeastern Canyons and Seamounts will cease by September 2023. Recreational fishing is allowed.

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