February 18, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

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Double funeral in ‘Family’ causes a sea of ​​tears: there was not much sadness on TV and behind the scenes |  television

Double funeral in ‘Family’ causes a sea of ​​tears: there was not much sadness on TV and behind the scenes | television

televisionBeautiful farewell words, lots of hugs and a sea of ​​tears. On Wednesday, the viewer said goodbye to Peter and his mother, Mary Rose, in an emotional episode of “Family.” The two pioneers were already around 30 years ago at the start of the series, but they died quite unexpectedly last week in a staggering house fire. The characters of Gunther Levi and Martine Jonckheere are buried together. There wasn’t much sadness in the soap. On TV, but also behind the scenes.

Every member of the Van den Bosch family had to pay the last tribute. Even Bart (Chris Van Tonglen) briefly returned from Dubai for a double funeral. The funeral ends with an impressive period, to the satisfaction of the actors. Gunter Levy called the decision to leave his character “unfortunate” and “a mistake by the screenwriters”. Martin Junckery also had reservations about this plot twist. Several colleagues also expressed their discontent on social media. Joe Haines (Nico) even called these officials “idiots”. Fans also rioted. The fan site “We demand that Gunter Levi and Martin Jonquery stay with the family” gained more than 10,000 followers on Facebook and even organized a petition that has been signed by several thousand. The management of VTM even greeted the die-hards. It should be clear: Rarely has a story caused so much uproar.

See also: Veronique dedicates a sentimental poem to Peter

General new start

Life goes on for the ‘family’ makers. They’ve tweaked the opening credits and so they’ve already given away a little of what viewers can expect in the near future. The deceased Peter and Mary Rose disappeared from the picture and gave way to two new faces of the year. Of course, this choice can only mean that the share of these two in the chain will become more important. In the new year, Matthias (Peter Polkin) gets another companion by his side, because there is no longer Peter, his business partner at the Copro brewery, but his mistress: Vanessa. Thus, the character of Karen Damen becomes a guard. Louise (Charlotte Siben) is the other character who first appears in the opening images. The blonde can be seen alongside Raven (Aaron Plummert). This means that this relationship will not only last, but also gain significance.

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Watch also: Louise saying goodbye to Peter and Mary Rose at the funeral


Meanwhile, the two expelled actors are looking for their way professionally. Martine Jonckheere has already taken part in the theatrical comedy “Bevergem”, later this year. Gunther is already filling his schedule with solo shows, Romeos shows and the expansion of his wife’s fashion store. The two said they hoped the television business would fall from the sky. We asked if competitors at “Thuis” were interested in recruiting them as a new face?

(Read more below the photo)



“Never say ‘never,'” replies Hans Rogen, producer of Thuis, “but we don’t now have any specific plans for them.” the family “. Why should this be a defect? Just look at Janine Bishops. He played Jenny in “Thuis” for over 20 years, but then transitioned to “Family” as Brigitte without any problems. A good actor must have the strength to shape any role in any series.”

Read also:

‘Family’ says goodbye to Peter and Mary Rose at emotional funeral

Gunter Levy finally left the “Family” and did not attend a birthday party: “I think this is wrong” (+)

The disappearance of Gunther Levy and Martin Junckery from “The Family”: “The death of Peter and Mary Rose is a pity and a mistake” (+)