July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

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ELZ Rupelaar launches its healthy lifestyle preventive projects for 2024 – Antwerp News Agency

ELZ Rupelaar launches its healthy lifestyle preventive projects for 2024 – Antwerp News Agency


tree – This afternoon, RupeLaar launched its 2024 preventative healthy lifestyle projects in Boom.

Through these ready-made projects, they want to give all citizens the opportunity to quit smoking, eat healthy food and exercise more.

Learn about local preventive health projects: Halt2Diabetes, Exercise by Referral, Stop Smoking.

These health projects for 2024 were launched in cooperation with the first line area RupeLaar, Vlotter, Logo Mechelen and the local authorities of RupeLaar: Niel, Hemiksem, Aartselaar, Schell, Rumst and Boom.

Inge Hellmans: “At RupeLaar Primary Care Area, we want to help everyone live a healthier life in an accessible way.”

“We want to improve the health of citizens through the Halt2Diabetes project, among other things.”

“In six hour-and-a-half group sessions, you’ll work with a dietitian to eat healthier.”

“These group sessions are organized for people with an increased risk of diabetes and are free on referral from a GP.” More information here

Interested parties can come to the free information session on Thursday, January 18 at 7:45 pm in Neel or on Friday, January 19 at 10 am in Hemexim.

Halt2Diabetes encourages people to calculate their risk of developing type 2 diabetes using a few short questions www.hetgezondheidskompas.be

If this test indicates that you have an increased risk, you can significantly reduce that risk by modifying your lifestyle.

For this purpose, ELZ RupeLaar organizes healthy eating sessions upon referral and you can also contact an exercise coach for referral or a smoking cessation course.

Hellmans: Want to exercise more but don’t know how? Then Movement Op Referral is something for you.

“Ask your GP, physiotherapist, therapist…or other healthcare professional for a referral letter and contact your exercise instructor Christel Veredt.”

“The trainer will create a personalized exercise plan with you.” More information here

Hellmans: “Wanting to quit smoking is a very good solution and requires a lot of preparation and motivation.”

“You don’t have to quit smoking alone. Therefore, we organize a group smoking cessation counseling program in the RupeLaar Primary Care District, by a certified tobacco specialist.

“Come to the free information session at Boomkewis on Monday 15 January at 8pm, presented by our tobacco specialist.”

“Then you can participate in a smoking cessation mentoring program consisting of eight group sessions.” More information here (M)

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