July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Employers ask for additional extension of Corona support for companies News

Employers ask for additional extension of Corona support for companies News

Employers’ organizations Unizo and Agoria are asking the federal government to maintain support measures to help businesses during the coronavirus crisis for a longer period. They usually expire on September 30th. The government has not yet taken the initiative.

Unizo proposes allowing flexible temporary unemployment for another longer quarter due to the Corona crisis and retaining the right to bridging during that period for entrepreneurs who are still experiencing a loss in their turnover of at least 40%.

“Of course we agree with the end of the Covid support measures in the short term,” says Managing Director Danny van Ash. “But not to hit the brakes hard today and tomorrow, because that will lead to accidents.” That’s why the organization is calling for a “last extension” of support.


Van Assche notes that some activities, such as discos, can only start on October 1. She says they still have to build up gradually. Other activities can already be organized normally, but they still suffer from low demand. I think of many events, tourism in artistic cities, passenger transport, travel agents … “

CEO Bart Steukens of technology consortium Agoria also wants companies to be able to roll back the current temporary unemployment flex scheme for a longer period. He thinks it is too late to come up with a new scheme now.

The government is divided

The government is divided over whether or not to extend the measures. This point has already been on the primary cabinet agenda twice, but no decisions have been made.

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“In the meantime, we’re almost on October 1 and companies still don’t know what those new measures are, particularly with regard to temporary unemployment,” says Agoria’s CEO. A number of activities and companies are still severely affected by the repercussions of the Corona crisis. Give them more space to recover. And if new or modified arrangements are made available, no problem. But let’s make sure these are known and actionable in a timely manner.”

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