July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Flanders wants to send a car inspection invitation card earlier |  Leadership

Flanders wants to send a car inspection invitation card earlier | Leadership

The Flemish government wants to send the invitation card to inspect the car itself from 2022 to give motorists more time to make an appointment. This is evidenced by Mobility Minister Lydia Peters (Open Vld)’s answer to a parliamentary question from Joke Schauvliege (CD&V).

According to Schuflege, there is currently a very short time between receiving the invitation card and the expiration date of the examination certificate. The green card reminds motorists that their proof will expire after four weeks, but at many crowded car inspection centers, which have been operating with time locks since the Corona wave, it is no longer possible to make an appointment in time.

“So it’s a case that drivers who can’t make an appointment in time have to pay an extra fee in any case and that they also run the risk of a fine because they’re driving an unapproved vehicle,” Schafflij said. Release.

At the MP’s request, Secretary Peters now indicates that she wants letters of invitation to be sent through 2022 without federal government involvement and before that. This should give motorists more time to make an appointment. It is not yet clear how exactly that will work. The Cabinet stated that details are still in full swing.