July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

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Foundation in memory of Dr. Nollet Tropical

Foundation in memory of Dr. Nollet Tropical


In the name of Wouter Nollet, a tropical doctor who died two years before suffering from Lassa fever, his family recently established a foundation: Water Nollite Foundation. With this, the family collects money for health system From Sierra Leone, located in West Africa.

Nollet worked at Masanga Hospital in Sierra Leone for 14 months before his death. It was sent by CapaCare, a Norwegian aid organization. Says the Nollet family, through his sister Marleke, RTL News About his participation in his work as a physician for international health and tropical medicine, and about his death.

Nollet contracted the Lassa virus while performing surgery and resuscitation of an infected pregnant woman. He was sent back to the Netherlands, where his condition rapidly deteriorated. He died at LUMC. last year Other sister books Nicoline on “Loss Without Goodbye” in Medical Contact.

Looking back, Marlieke notes that Wouter was always thinking about the welfare of others. From an early age he wanted to help people and improve the world (…). As he himself wrote in a letter presenting to the hospital in Sierra Leone: He wanted to improve health care for the less fortunate in the world, to give them a level playing field.

At Noli’s funeral, the family asked for a donation “instead of more bouquets,” his sister says. “There was so much that made us think hard about the best way to spend this.” This led to the establishment of the Foundation, which among other things provides scholarships to students who wish to become assistant surgeons or midwives.

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