July 26, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Here business is revealed – time

Here business is revealed – time

Nicola de Belis *

In ten days the deaths fell sharply at sea. After landing last July 12th In Augusta Dew 560 Illegal immigrants By ship ONG Ocean Viking, The Landing in Italy from Libya suddenly disappeared, As stated in it Data from the Ministry of the Interior, The sweetness of the usual Tunisian small boats coming directly to Lampedusa.

Since the beginning of 2021, such as voluntary charities SoS Mediterranée, Save the Children and Medicines Sans Frontier, Use expensive privately owned ships, some of which were funded by the German Evangelical Church and operated by former East German Communist Party veterans, helping to triple the number of illegal immigrants who landed in Italy by eight times by 2020 or so. The security orders issued by the Conte Uno government, which was interior minister with Salvini, are numbers compared to 2019.

This «Sea taxi driversDespite its UN maritime law (UNCLOS), which is recognized by more than 200 states, it generally acts in violation of any international maritime law, and the EU Dublin regulation is against UN mandates imposing territorial territory on those ships. In the first illegal column of the immigrant, regardless of capabilities in the SAR areas assigned to Val Malta, Libya and Tunisia and certified by the International Maritime Organization, the Court of Catania’s TAR and the European Court of Human Rights did not recognize in many sentences the need to kill illegal immigrants in good health in Italy.

But why this “miracle” of zero landings and zero deaths at sea? This would be a coincidence No volunteer ships have hung in front of the Libyan coast for ten days. A volunteer charity in the Mediterranean has taken a vacation: Two Norwegian ships, the Ocean Viking and the Geo Parents, are in isolation for the Govt epidemic in Augusta, along with the German ship Sea Watch 4 Sicilian cannoli-eating crew in Trapani, the other German Marine Eye 4 and navigator for the Palermo Administration Guard for Environmental Pollution The latter changes its name to RescPeople, the head of the Italian organization and honorary former magistrate Gerardo Colombo) with Spanish Open Arms and Alta Mari in care in the “pirate” port of Boriana in Catalonia.

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The Italian «Murray Jonio» paid to take 27 migrants aboard a Danish ship, with four suspects, including the former Global Kasarini, stranded in Seogia. With zero deaths at sea and zero landings in Sicily, the involvement of NGO ships in paying illegal immigrants has been confirmed as a key source of trade for the new slave traders of the 21st century. A well-calculated business modeling the movements of voluntary charities, in which hijackers know the movements and routes taken via the Internet (shipfinder.com) in real time, sending customers the fuel needed to send full boats in payment “with humanitarian” ships a few miles off the Libyan coast.

Meanwhile, parliament has approved a re-financing of the Armed Forces’ training for the Libyan Coast Guard, a task that the Italian government and the European Union have been tasked with preventing from leaving Libya’s coast for years. The situation of a temporary craze that quickly disintegrates against the rocks of the hypocritical and ridiculous designs of a radical-chronological geopolitical and Italian anti-left is far from the detrimental effects that the phenomenon of illegal immigration triggers in large suburbs’ cities and emotionally at risk of dying at sea.
Presented by Nicola de Belis * Division Admiral (Rice)