Is there more life in the universe? Great minds have been pondering this question for years, with no results yet. Researchers think it's possible, but perhaps not in the form of green men carrying flying saucers.
According to planetary researcher Daphne Stamm, we should think more about extraterrestrial life in the form of bacteria and algae.
Online video
The debate about extraterrestrial life has been reignited due to a video that went viral on the Internet today. Miami police responded in large numbers on New Year's Day to a brawl at a shopping mall. These images show a “mysterious shadow”, which immediately sparked unrest among some viewers.
According to them, it had to be giant aliens. The policemen quickly responded to
Small life
It once again demonstrates the fascination with extraterrestrial life, especially in America. “I think most scientists assume there is life somewhere else,” Stamm says. “There are so many planets that could have the same conditions as Earth, and it is difficult to imagine that Earth is the only planet in the entire universe on which life exists.”
But according to Stam, we shouldn't look for that life in the form of aliens and technologically advanced UFOs. “Life could also be very small life, such as bacteria, plants or algae. But we haven't found anything yet.”
Compare with Earth
Finding life is harder than it seems. Because what do you recognize in life? According to the researcher, there is a lot of discussion on this topic. “That's why we first look for places where we can expect life. That seems to be easier than finding life itself.”
Much attention is paid to the things that make life on Earth possible. “If you compare the Earth to other planets in the solar system, it is special that there is a lot of liquid water. There is a lot of sunlight, so the temperature is good, and there are building materials. The Earth also has magnetic attraction.” “This protects us from dangerous radiation from the sun as well as dangerous radiation from space. So it could be very important for life.”
I'm looking for water
Therefore, there is a great deal of research into the possibilities of life in space, and according to the researcher, water can play a major role in this. “The search for life outside Earth includes the search for water. This is because water on Earth is essential for life, and all life on Earth needs water. So we believe that if Earth-like life is to look for it elsewhere, you must also have water.” “This is what we are looking for.”
But just because something provides life on Earth doesn't mean it's also needed elsewhere. “There is a lot of oxygen on Earth. This oxygen is produced by life on Earth, specifically by plants. So should you look for oxygen on another planet? There has not always been oxygen on Earth and perhaps there is life.” On another planet. “A planet that doesn’t produce oxygen,” Stamm explains.
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