July 26, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

“It is up to the EU to decide if you are violating the agreements.”

“It is up to the EU to decide if you are violating the agreements.”

“It is the responsibility of the Commission to determine whether or not Hungary violates the treaty.” During a debate at the Council of Europe centered on Hungary-approved legislation on LGBT content for minors, Prime Minister Mario Draghi asked Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban to respect what agreements Budapest signed after entering the EU. Tragi said that Section 2 of the TUE, according to Italian sources, exists for a specific reason: Europe has a long history of human rights repression.

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“Look – Tragi told Orban that this agreement, signed by Hungary, also appoints the Guardian Commission on the Agreement”. It is therefore “the responsibility of the Commission to determine whether or not Hungary violates the treaty”.

Charles Michel, President of the Council of Europe, opened the discussion between EU heads of state and government on “LGBT issues and EU values”. One of the most important of the laws recently passed by the Hungarian parliament is the Dutch liberal Mark Rutte, who has long been one of Victor Orban’s fiercest opponents at the EU level. “I am deeply concerned about the Hungarian law on the rights of the LGPTI people. This law seriously violates the values ​​we protect in Europe,” he said. “Today’s announcement by Mark Rutte is another chapter in a series of political threats. Hungary does not want to leave the EU. Instead, we want to protect it from hypocrites,” the Hungarian justice minister said on Twitter. Varga, commenting on the words of the Dutch Prime Minister, accordingly Hungary has no place in the European Union, restricting the access of minors to information related to homosexuality and transgender after the passage of the controversial Hungarian law.

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Not long ago, the discussion on relocation was declared open.

Within ten minutes of the EU Heads of Government and Government Meeting in Brussels, the European Council’s decision on migration was focused on the external dimension.
Among others, the results underscore that “improvements in some migration routes are a matter of grave concern and require continued vigilance and urgent action”, even though irregular flows have declined in recent years. “Partnership” with countries of origin and transport will be intensified as “an integral part” of the EU’s external action to “reduce pressure on EU borders”. The approach will use “practical” and “tailor” and all “tools and privileges” available to the EU and member states “in close cooperation with UNHCR and IOM”.

The Commission and the High Representative are therefore requested to strengthen “immediate” “firm” measures and “firm support” for the “priority” origin and transport countries. They should present “action plans” for priority countries in the “Fall of 2021”, indicating “clear objectives, support measures and clear deadlines”. The Commission is called upon to make the best use of the NTC (Neighborhood, Development and International Cooperation Tool) financial envelope for “migration-related activities” as well as “other financial instruments”.

The Commission shall report to the Council on its objectives in this regard “by November.” Finally, the Council of Europe “condemns and rejects any attempt by third parties to exploit immigration for political purposes.”