July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

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Just like with Mark Cook… Why Van Heesbrouck himself no longer sees a future at Gent – Football News

Just like with Mark Cook… Why Van Heesbrouck himself no longer sees a future at Gent – Football News

Hein Vanhaezebrouck will soon leave the Planet Group Arena after five matches and 368 official appearances on the bench at KAA Gent. His contract expires and will not be renewed. A farewell written in the stars since Sam Barrow took charge of the club.

It's an acquired taste. With Ivan de Wit and Michel Loaje he had a sonic palette he wouldn't find anywhere else. A duo that has left him largely alone when it comes to sports. Things didn't go well sometimes either, but in their weekly friendly meetings, the wrinkles were always ironed out.

Cookie in her holes

But Sam Barrow is a different story. New to football and not used to employees targeting their big boss. After all, you have to take that into account when you have Vanhisbrouck as coach. 60-year-old Kortrijczan does the same thing with his board as he does with his group of players: he keeps them on their toes.

This is an interaction that is not suitable for everyone. During his short time at Anderlecht he also clashed with Mark Cook. When he appeared in the dressing room and in the pit, Heine had to bite his lip seriously. Meanwhile, he no longer had a good word to say about it.

How Vanhaezebrouck wants to lead the team is entirely based on the English model. Louwagie and De Witte allowed him to be both coach and sporting director. Barrow put an end to this and ordered Louwagie to cash out the players before the new year.

Barrow thinks economically

With Gift Urban's story in mind, he did not want to let the train pass for Melik Fofana and Hugo Kuipers. Six months ago, Orbán could have raised another ten million pounds in Ghent. In Barrow's entrepreneurial mind, the settlement was quickly reached.

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Not that Vanhisbrouck was being unrealistic, but in Heine's opinion, it is impossible to reconcile that he – with so much experience and knowledge of football – was overlooked in the decision-making process. The mockery of his government was countless and did not stop.

So much so that Barrow quickly had enough and the decision to stop cooperation was made months ago. Gent will have a clear structure in which the coach will simply be the coach.

Who will hand over the reins to Hein?

And Vanhaysbrouck? Will you continue? He has already shown several times that he has seen it all and wants to make time for his family. Although… there are many challenges written for him for next season.

Wouldn't Hine's outgoing personality suit the Tawny Owl? Although working again with an entrepreneur like Paul Gheysens would not be attractive. This is the case in all major Belgian clubs. Is there still someone who wants to hand over the reins to the coach?

We do not see him starting another mission if the answer to this question is no…