July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Lessons for “new” Vinex neighborhoods: Keep the space flexible

Lessons for “new” Vinex neighborhoods: Keep the space flexible

A construction worker at work at the Vinex site in Leidsche Rijn near Utrecht in 1998

Noos News

In recent years, Phoenix neighborhoods have developed into residential areas for wealthier families, the Dutch environmental assessment agency (PBL) concluded in a study. With major new construction plans, it should still be possible to adapt the neighborhood to changing demand, which is one of the recommendations.

Phoenix neighborhoods were built for middle-class urban families, and later larger, more expensive owner-occupied homes were added. In Phoenix neighborhoods there was no construction for poor families and one- or two-person households. As a result, that group had little chance of finding a home in the neighborhood. This also applies to seniors and beginners.

NOVEX stands for National Environmental Vision Extra. New parts of cities are being created in 17 locations in the Netherlands. The government has allocated 6 billion euros for this purpose.

More seniors and singles

It’s also important for NOVEX districts to have room for neighborhood modifications, PBL advises. This went wrong in the Phoenix areas, as it was not taken into account at the time that there would be more demand for non-family homes. This demand will increase further in the coming years due to the further increase in the number of elderly and single people. And in 2023 it was Nearly 40 percent Among all families, it is a one-person family.

Construction has also continued in Vinexwijken in recent years. Between 2008 and 2020, the number of homes in the neighborhoods increased by 38 percent, while the number of homes in other neighborhoods around city centers increased by 12 percent. In neighborhoods where additional construction took place, there were mainly new, more expensive homes for families and barely affordable (rental) homes for beginners or people over 55 years of age.