July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Mijngezondheid, Helena or Mynexushealth: this is how you find your way in the jungle of medical platforms

Mijngezondheid, Helena or Mynexushealth: this is how you find your way in the jungle of medical platforms

Hospitals use their own platforms to share medical data with their patients and doctors. There is no central platform to which all Belgian hospitals belong. Depending on the hospital you are being treated at, you will have to use a different portal.

The biggest players are Kozo And Mynexushealth. CoZo is an initiative of Ghent University Hospital. More than 35 hospitals and 35 psychiatric institutions are currently joining. Mynexushealth is developed by UZ Leuven and is used by all hospitals and institutions in its network. Brussels Hospitals are linked to the Abrumet health network in Brussels.

The design of the different platforms is the same: quickly and securely exchange medical data between patients and healthcare providers. This is only possible with the patient's explicit consent. Hospitals then choose exactly what data to share via the platform. This may include medical reports, test results, medical images (such as CT scans or MRIs), and prescriptions for medications.

You can also book appointments at affiliated healthcare institutions via mynexushealth. You can also view and pay bills from more and more hospitals.

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