July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

Nearly five hundred Covid patients are hospitalized again, but less…

Nearly five hundred Covid patients are hospitalized again, but less…

Hospital admissions continue to rise and are on track to cross the 500 mark again. There are 136 patients with covid-19 in intensive care.

Between August 4 and 10, the most recent period for which consolidated data is available, there were an average of 1,825 infections per day, an increase of 9 percent from the previous week. 48,100 tests were performed daily (-14 percent). The positivity percentage rose slightly to 4.2 percent (+0.9 percent).

Infection and admission are growing faster in Brussels

The average number of hospitalizations in the past seven days has risen to 54.5 per day (+33 percent). There are currently 495 patients with the virus in Belgian hospitals, compared to 383 in the previous week (+29 percent). There are now 136 patients with coronavirus in intensive care, compared to 98 patients last week (+39 percent).

In contrast, the average number of deaths between August 4 and 10, the last period for which standardized data is available, fell to 3.1 per day (-19 percent).

Of the adult population, 84 percent have now received at least one dose of the vaccine. In Brussels it is 63 percent, in the eastern provinces 74 percent, in Wallonia 80 percent and in Flanders 91 percent. The reproduction number or r-value is 1.22. If this number is higher than “1”, the epidemic will recover again.

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