In July 1976, At the end of another typical school day, An entire school bus was hijacked By three masked men. Schilla retail abductionAs most people know, it can be The biggest kidnapping in American history, 26 children and driver: 45 years later, those mobile survivors are talking.
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Schilla retaliation
The silence of the city of Sachsilla was interrupted on July 15, 1976 at 16 local time, when there was a school bus 26 children aged 5 to 14 and driver Kidnapped by three gunmen wearing pantyhose on face.
After abandoning the service bus, the hostages were forced to board vans, used as basic prisons, and held 12 hours of torture Before being Crowded in a truck trailer hidden underground.
Survivor, Larry Park He said: “At age 6 … the only way I can describe that darkness is when my time has come.
Another survivor says it “felt like an animal going to the slaughterhouse.”
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The children were in practice Buried alive Livermore Quarry 16 hrs, The perpetrators tried to ask distrustful family members A $ 5 million ransom. This request can never be made because the lines of telephone exchanges have been blocked by calls from unsuspecting parents to the police.
Escape and condemnation
In the meantime Senior children and driving, Edward Ray, they were able to open the lid Dig a base gap with a piece of wood and cover the bus with debris. They dug up the remaining debris blocking the entrance.
While officers had already found the school bus, they headed to the Quarry Guard hut near the Shadow Cliffs East Bay Regional Park.
When police found them, they forced them to take a picture of each child The trial lasted 6 hours, To heal them and comfort them from the trauma they experienced before taking them to a place.
Investigations continued until the involvement of the 24-year-old son of the quarry owner was discovered Frederick Newhall Woods IV, The only one who holds the keys to the quarry.
He and his two friends, Siblings James and Richard Schonfeld, The police were already aware of the car theft.
The Schunfeld brothers were released on bail in 2015, while the next probationary trial for Woods is scheduled for 2024.
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