July 27, 2024

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

The area view ‘North Vecht’ sets the course for the area between Hasselt, Stavorst, Dalfsen and Zwolle

The area view ‘North Vecht’ sets the course for the area between Hasselt, Stavorst, Dalfsen and Zwolle

At the request of the various interest groups in the boroughs, the municipalities of Dalfsen, Zwolle, Zwartewaterland, Staphorst, the Water Board Drents Overijsselse Delta and the county Overijssel started on Friday 23 June to access the vision of the area called ‘North of the Vecht’. It concerns the area between the cities of Hasselt and Stavhorst Dalvesn and Zwolle The vision should be ready by mid-2024.

The two parties wish to develop a joint vision for the region that shows how the region can develop in the coming years. There are various challenges in this field. How do we preserve and improve the quality of life and landscape characteristics here? Where and how can Hesenpoort expand? How much space is available for large-scale sustainable energy generation? What is the agricultural perspective for this region? Does the area provide space for more new businesses? ‘, say the various parties.

The first step in reaching the vision for the region was the Memorandum of Initiation, which was endorsed by neighboring interest groups and governments at the end of 2022. This describes how the parties will work together, what the tasks are and what the planning is. Neighboring organizations and governments that contribute to the vision of the region are the Society of Friends of Dalfsen, De Marsen Regional Association, Nieuwleusen Buitengebied West Interest Association, Local Interest Ankum, Sustainable Tolhuislanden, Nieuwleusen Synergie, Province of Overijssel, Water Board Drents Overijsselse Delta and Zwolle, Staphorst, Dalfsen and Blackwaterland municipalities.


Both parties will start by taking an inventory of all the tasks and interests in the area. This is followed by a first sketch, and an epilogue, the vision of the region which states the development path for the region’s future. The regional vision is created by both parties. Area table and workplace meetings are very important in collaboration. Residents, experts and various entities are represented in this. They make agreements about process and material issues of interest.

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“In communication between the residents of the area and the parties, we will use one or more Whatsapp groups and an interactive map. This way anyone who wants can participate. Together we look forward to developing the vision of the area with great confidence. This will inevitably lead to difficult issues and choices to be made. Logical. The space in The area is limited, the tasks are large and may lead to a different layout of the area.By discussing this with each other and working together specifically, we understand each other better and connect interests.1 + 1 can really become 3!”