LtdAverage YouTuber and content creator Robert Van Impe in everyday life said in an interview with “De Zondag” that he does not get richer through his YouTube videos. But that doesn't worry the 31-year-old adventurer: “I want to be able to live from my job. I don't have to get rich,” he said.
In 2023, the average Rob was an indispensable part of Spotlights. For example, he completed a full Ironman race, attempted to ride a motorcycle at the end of December, and walked at least 164 kilometers in the bitter cold. He also won the Kinepolis Antwerp Award for his documentary: “The Day I Became an Ironman” for De Warmste Week. 2024 also holds a big adventure waiting for Rob: he will become a father for the first time.
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With 429,000 subscribers, Average Rob is one of the most popular YouTubers in our country. For fun and adventurous content on this YouTube channel, Rob ventures into many activities Challenges. Just think about the Ironman or cross country race a couple of weeks ago. But behind the “average Rob” facade there is also a completely ordinary Flemish man: “On Sundays we always eat coffee cakes. In the evening we always eat French fries. “For us, Sunday is a simple Flemish day,” says De Zondag.
look. This is how Average Rob announced he was going to be a father:
Expedition: Greenland
From next week, Rob can also be seen in 'The Expedition: Greenland', where he undertakes a 164km trek in the bitter cold. Being involved with Play4 also means a big break on TV, although Rob prefers to keep his focus on his YouTube channel: “YouTube remains my focus and priority. I definitely still want to do stuff for TV every now and then, but I find that “It's more fun to have everything in my hands. I've also had a lot of TV offers, but I prefer the freedom of YouTube.”
“My goal has always been to make people laugh
Robert Van Impe, “Sunday”
Despite his successful YouTube career, Rob is not getting richer, which is why he also sells all kinds of merchandise: “I don't earn anything from these YouTube videos. It all costs money. That's why I sell t-shirts, jackets, hats and socks through a store “My web. Look, I'm an artist par excellence; my goal has always been to make people laugh and make that my job. I want to be able to make a living from my job, my goal is not to get rich.”
Rob will be seen from Monday in 'The Expedition: Greenland', at 9.15pm on Play4 and GoPlay.
See also. This is how Acid and Average Rob tested Diegem's Turbo Cross process
interview. Average Rob, 31, is an Ironman and soon-to-be father: 'No, giving birth won't be on YouTube' (+)
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