February 6, 2025

Taylor Daily Press

Complete News World

The Netherlands will enter ‘evening lockdown’ from Sunday: these are the measures

The Netherlands will enter ‘evening lockdown’ from Sunday: these are the measures

staying at home

Every Dutch citizen is urgently advised to stay at home as much as possible.

Anyone visiting another person is strongly advised to do a self-exam beforehand. Additional caution is advised when contacting adults over 70 years of age and children under 18 years of age.

The advice for working from home has been tightened up as follows: Work at home, and if you can’t do that, always stay 1.5 meters away at work.


Almost all locations must be closed between 5:00 pm and 5:00 am, at least until December 18th. Exceptions are supermarkets and other food stores (open until 8pm), essential services such as a notary or attorney, mortgage advisor and medical liaison professions (normal business hours).

Events and amateur sports between 5 pm and 5 am are also no longer permitted. Professional matches and training sessions may take place in the evenings.

Visitor Restrictions

It should always be possible to stay 1.5 meters away when visiting a public facility. As a result, the number of visitors allowed is limited, both in places with fixed seats and at transfer sites.


Schools remain open. Group VI primary school students and high school students must wear a mouth covering in the corridors. Schools must also create walking routes, and students from the sixth group must take a self-exam regularly. Children under 12 years of age should stay home while they snore.


As many elderly people as possible will receive a booster vaccination before the end of the year. Soldiers and students help with this. Vaccination of non-ambulatory elderly will also begin sooner: next week, rather than in January.

The government of outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte will consider whether to amend the current package of measures on December 14 at the next press conference.

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